Enron Mail

Subject:Wright case -- VPP
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 08:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

Are you available?
----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 05/10/2001 03:17 PM -----

"Tetrault, Charles D." <ctetrault@velaw.com<
05/10/2001 01:50 PM

To: "Richard B. Sanders (E-mail)" <Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com<
cc: "Andrew M. Edison (E-mail)" <andrew.edison@enron.com<, "Barrett H.
Reasoner (E-mail)" <breasoner@Gibbs-Bruns.com<
Subject: Wright case -- VPP

As you might recall, I have been given the lead on the volumetric production
payment issue in the Wright case in general, and in dealing with EOG in

As you know, I have heard the long story from EOG. You suggested that the
next time I was in Houston that we try to meet with Julia Heintz Murray to
get the more to point version from the ECT / Enron perspective.

I will be in town next week for the "measurement summit." I could come
earlier, stay later, or carve out some time during to talk to Julia. This
might be a good introduction for Andy as well. (Of course, Barrett is also
included if his schedule permits.)

From the viewpoint of my schedule, I would suggest Thursday afternoon,
Tuesday afternoon, or Friday morning, in approximate order of preference.
Let me know.

Charles D. Tetrault
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
1455 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004-1008
202.639.6551 [voice]
202.639.6604 [fax]

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