Enron Mail

To:max.brown@enron.com, dan.pribble@enron.com, jeff.whippo@enron.com,rick.smith@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com, john.gormley@enron.com, steve.tarter@enron.com, earl.chanley@enron.com, laura.kunkel@enron.com, jerry.graves@enron.com, darrell.schoolcr
Subject:RE: TW 2002 Integrity Plan - Conference Call
Cc:mike.nelson@enron.com, l..johnson@enron.com, michael.crump@enron.com,steve.haug@enron.com, morris.brassfield@enron.com, robert.geheb@enron.com, silvia.navarro@enron.com
Bcc:mike.nelson@enron.com, l..johnson@enron.com, michael.crump@enron.com,steve.haug@enron.com, morris.brassfield@enron.com, robert.geheb@enron.com, silvia.navarro@enron.com
Date:Thu, 21 Mar 2002 08:44:17 -0800 (PST)

I will try to make the conference call, but not sure I can. My father-in-law passed away last night and I'll be in the Wichita Falls area tomorrow. If I can't make it I'll try to call you before hand.
Thanks, Arnie

-----Original Message-----
From: Brown, Max
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:01 PM
To: Pribble, Dan; Whippo, Jeff; Bailey, Arnie; Smith, Rick; Roensch, David; Gormley, John; Tarter, Steve; Chanley, Earl; Kunkel, Laura; Graves, Jerry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; McCracken, Mike
Cc: Nelson, Mike; Johnson, David L.; Crump, Michael; Haug, Steve; Brassfield, Morris; Geheb, Robert; Navarro, Silvia
Subject: TW 2002 Integrity Plan - Conference Call


Attached is the latest draft of the proposed 2002 Integrity Plan for TW. I would like to set up a conference call to further discuss and nail-down if at all possible. The call is set up for Friday March 22 @ 2:00 PM CST. Call in number is 1-877-795-3687 (718625).


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