Enron Mail

Subject:RIGZONE Industry News
Date:Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:09:44 -0800 (PST)

=09Friday January 11, 2002=09[IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | =
market | store =09[IMAGE]=09
[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past=
7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More =
Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World=
wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I=
ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Anderson Employees Destroy Enr=
on Documents Andersen reports that individuals in the firm have disposed o=
f a significant number of electronic and paper documents and correspondence=
relating to the Enron account Delta Petroleum Files Lawsuit Against U.S. =
Government Delta Petroleum and several other companies have filed a lawsui=
t against the U.S. Government alleg! ing that the government has materially=
breached their leases located offshore California. Norwegian Pilots Rejec=
t Latest CHC Offer The Norwegian Airline Pilots Association has rejected t=
he latest offer by CHC and have made a decision to begin limited work actio=
n. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Exploration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Abraxa=
s Spuds Ladyfern Well Abraxas spuds first well of a planned six-well progr=
am on its Ladyfern prospect in British Columbia, Cananda. Ecuador Calls Ni=
nth International Bidding Round Petroecuador will have eight blocks availa=
ble in its ninth bidding round. Four are located offshore and four are loc=
ated in the Amazon Basin. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Petrobras Sets Production Record Petrobras set a mo=
nthly production record in December, averaging 1.5 million barrels a day. =
BP 4Q Production Increases BP reported that its total 2001 reported produc=
tion is projected to increase by around 5.5% compared with 2000. [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] Company & Financial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] She=
ll Marine Donates to GOM Conservation Project Shell and the National Fish =
and Wildlife Foundation have awarded $1.2 million to six Gulf Coast wildlif=
e conservation and research programs. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] advertisement A =
National-Oilwell designed, 1992 built modular offshore drilling rig is avai=
lable for sale direct from the manufacturer. This rig drilled only 5 wells=
from the Draugen platform in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Click=
on the link below for full details, photos and seller contact information:=
http://www.rigzone.com/market/surplus_listing.asp?eq_id=3D397 =
Last 7 Days Top Stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Halliburton Says=
the Rumors Are Not True Halliburton says there is no basis for the rumors=
that the company has filed for bankruptcy. BP Scales Back Alaskan Operati=
ons BP has decided to downsize its staff in Anchorage and shelve its Liber=
ty project at this time. PetroChina and Shell Sign Gas Pipeline Deal Petr=
oChina and Shell have entered into a preliminary agreement for an $18 billi=
on East/West China pipeline project. Nabors Changes Corporate Structure N=
abors Industries Board of Directors has approved a plan to reorganize the c=
ompany and change its place of incorporation from Delaware to Bermuda. Mar=
athon Acquires Interests in Equatorial Guinea Marathon has completed its a=
cquisition of CMS Energy's interests in Equatorial Guinea for $993 million.=
Kvaerner Receives Final Approval for Rescue Plan Kvaerner has received a=
pproval from the final group of lenders for the rescue plan that would merg=
e Kvaerner and Aker Maritime. Prosafe Awarded FPSO Work Offshore Nigeria =
Prosafe has been awarded an eight-year contract for an FPSO to work on the =
Abo field offshore Nigeria by a consortium led by Agip. Houston Exploratio=
n Completes Acquisition Houston Exploration finalizes South Texas property=
acquisition from Conoco for $69 million. Torch Offshore Purchases Constru=
ction Vessel Torch Offshore has purchased a 520-foot ves! sel which it in=
tends to convert to a DP-2 offshore construction vessel and rename the Midn=
ight Express. Newfield Makes Management Changes Newfield Exploration has =
made management changes in Australia and Anadarko Basin office locations. =
Unocal Increases Production Offshore Thailand Unocal Thailand has plans to=
double the crude output in the Gulf of Thailand this year as part of a six=
-year development plan. Kerr-McGee Announces 2002 Capital Budget Kerr-McG=
ee to allocate $310 million of its 2002 exploration and production budget f=
or the North Sea. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upcoming Oil & Gas Industry Ev=
ents [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Jan. 22 Alliances and Partnering in Oil=
& Gas Singapore Feb. 6 Torch Mid-Winter Energy Conference New York =
Feb. 7 Marine Construction 2002 Houston Feb. 10 2002 SPE Internatio=
nal Petroleum Conference & Exhibition in Mexico Villahermosa Feb. 26 20=
02 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition Dallas Feb. 27 Human Re=
sources in Oil & Gas Aberdeen Mar. 10 AAPG Annual Meeting Houston Mar.=
20 LNG North America Houston Apr. 9 2002 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing C=
onference and Exhibition Houston May. 6 Offshore Technology Conference=
2002 Houston list your conference view upcoming events [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Horizon Offshore Global Completion Service=
HoverDril DataLog Baker Hughes [IMAGE] [IMAGE]! promote your com=
pany [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Emergency Helicopter Abandonment [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE] Offshore Helicopter Operations [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Introduction t=
o Offshore Safety and Survival, 2nd Ed. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more =
products [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured equipment: Wartsila Generator Sets=
[IMAGE] Cabot 250 Workover and Drilling Rig [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] more equipment [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured jobs: - Structural E=
ngineer - Wellhead-Christmas Tree Specialist - Piping Designer more hot =
jobs << featured candidates: - Commissioning Supervisor - Lead Producti=
on Operator - Senior Planner & Scheduler search for candidates << [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 50.0% (7/14) +=
5000': 100.0% (25/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 68.5% (50/73) 3rd Gen: 84.=
0% (42/50) 4th Gen: 100.0% (38/38) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To =
200': 56.7% (38/67) 200' MC: 54.2% (13/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 300=
' IC: 87.5% (84/96) +300' IC: 88.9% (48/54) Severe Env.: 81.0% (17/21=
) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] view complete utilization report [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] Light Crude Oil: $20.46/BBL (0.69%) Brent Crude Oil: $21.28/BBL (2.0=
6%) Natural Gas: $2.22/MMBtu (-1.33%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.59/gal (1.7=
2%) prices from: 1/10/2002 change since: 1/9/2002 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor=
, feature your job opening or, advertise your upcoming industry conference=
. Click here for more information, send your press release to info@rigzo=
ne.com or call us at 281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish=
to receive this newsletter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by lo=
gging in to Rigzone and updating your profile. You can also change the fo=
rmat you receive (HTML or Text) and your email address by logging in and up=
dating your account. Click here to log in . [IMAGE] =09=09