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=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09Tuesday January 29, 2002=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 RIGZONE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | = market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past= 7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More = Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World= wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I= ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Kuwait Invites Bidders for Ups= tream Project Kuwait Petroleum Corp. is requesting that more international= companies bid for interest in its upstream oil development project in its = Northern oilfields. AEC and PanCanadian Confirms Merger Plans Alberta Ene= rgy Company and PanCanadian join forces in a "merger of equals" that will c= reate one of North America's larges! t independent energy companies. [IM= AGE] [IMAGE] advertisement A National-Oilwell designed, 1992 built modu= lar offshore drilling rig is available for sale direct from the manufacture= r. This rig drilled only 5 wells from the Draugen platform in the Norwegia= n sector of the North Sea. Click on the link below for full details, photo= s and seller contact information: http://www.rigzone.com/market/surplus_l= isting.asp?eq_id=3D397 Exploration [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] McMoRan Sells Certain Oil & Gas Assets McMoRan Exploration Co. has si= gned a definitive agreement to sell three of its oil and gas properties to = a third party for $60 million. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TotalFinaElf Starts-Up Desgas Project in Syria= The Desgas project establishes TotalFinaElf as a key gas industry player = in Syria, where the Group already operates a production of around 50,000 ba= rrels per day of oil in partnership with the SPC. CNOOC Orders FPSO CNOOC= orders FPSO capable of handling 4.5 million tons of crude for its Fanyu Oi= lfield. Unocal Replaces 222% of 2001 Production Unocal Corporation said i= t replaced 2! 22 percent of its worldwide crude oil and natural gas product= ion during 2001 with new proved reserves. ExxonMobil Replaces 111% of Prod= uction ExxonMobil Corporation announced that additions to its worldwide pr= oved oil and gas reserves totaled 1.8 billion oil-equivalent barrels in 200= 1. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company & Financial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] Swift Completes Acquisition of New Zealand Assets Swift Ener= gy has completed the acquisition of Southern Petroleum for approximately US= $54.4 million in cash. Chinese Companies On Buying Spree Chinese oil com= panies are in the market for investments to enhance shareholder value and b= oost supplies for domestic refineries. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Last 7 Da= ys Top Stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Kvaerner Awarded Escravos= FEED Contract Kvaerner has been awarded the FEED work for the Escravos Ga= s Project Phase 3 by NNPC/Chevron. Court Rules on Offshore Injury Case Un= ited States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decides that wireline perforatio= n used in drilling and capping wells is not "ultrahazardous". Conoco Sets = Budget for 2002 Conoco to spend the majority of its $2.8 billion dollar bu= dget on upstream operations in 2002. Transocean Puts Two Rigs Back to Work= Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. has been awarded contracts for two high-speci= f! ication floating drilling rigs and has received a contract extension on = a third high-specification floating drilling rig. Marathon Makes Discover= y in Alaska Marathon oil has made a significant discovery on its Ninilchik= Prospect located approximately 35 miles south of Kenai, Alaska. Bouygues/= Saipem Awarded Algerian Contract Sonatrach has awarded a joint venture of = Saipem and Bouygues a $257 million oilfield development project in Algeria.= Shell Hits Offshore Nigeria Shell Nigeria has made a significant discove= ry in the deep waters offshore Nigeria. Kvaerner To Open New Umbilicals Fa= cility Kvaerner has decided to invest NOK 100 million in a new umbilicals = production facility for the subsea segment of the oil and gas industry in t= he Gulf of Mexico or Houston area. Westcoast Energy Reaches Milestone in M= exico Westcoast Energy announced has reached a major milestone in the deve= lopment of the Campeche Natural Gas Compression Services Project in Mexico.= Trident Appraisal Well Successful Unocal Corporation said that it contin= ues to be encouraged after successfully completing the first appraisal well= at the Trident deepwater Gulf of Mexico discovery in Alaminos Canyon Block= 903. Pogo Plans Aggressive Capital Program in 2002 Pogo's Board of Direc= tors has approved a $340 million capital and exploration budget for 2002 an= d has planned an aggressive exploration and drilling schedule. Unocal Inst= alls Production Platform Offshore Indonesia Unocal's Yakin field productio= n platform was installed using a float over and ballast down technique resu= lting in a substantial cost and time savings for Unocal. [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] Upcoming Oil & Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] Jan. 29 NAPE Expo 2002 Houston Feb. 6 Torch Mid-Winter Energy Co= nference New York Feb. 7 Marine Construction 2002 Houston Feb. 10 = 2002 SPE International Petroleum Conference & Exhibition in Mexico Villahe= rmosa Feb. 26 2002 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition Dallas = Feb. 26 Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Seminars Aberdeen Feb. 27 Human!= Resources in Oil & Gas Aberdeen Mar. 10 AAPG Annual Meeting Houston M= ar. 20 LNG North America Houston Apr. 9 2002 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubin= g Conference and Exhibition Houston list your conference view upcoming e= vents [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Horizon Offshore = Global Completion Service HoverDril Baker Hughes [IMAGE] [IMAGE] pr= omote your company [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Natural Gas Systems Map = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Activity and Lease Map, 6th Ed.= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Gulf of Mexico Activity Report [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] more products [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured eq! uipment: I= DECO 3000HP Mechanical Land Rig [IMAGE] Ambar Marine 26' Fast Rescue Boa= ts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more equipment [IMAGE] [IMAGE] fea= tured jobs: - Hydrographic Surveyor - Account Rep - Business Development = - Well Site Geologist more hot jobs << featured candidates: - Plannin= g & Scheduling Engineer - Exp. Drlg. Consultant - Exploration Geophysici= st & Seismic Acquisition QC search for candidates << [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 50.0% (7/14) +5000': 96.0% (= 24/25) Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 69.9% (51/73) 3rd Gen: 86.0% (43/50) 4th Ge= n: 100.0% (38/38) 5th Gen: 100.0% (7/7) Jackups: To 200': 58.2% (3= 9/67) 200' MC: 58.3% (14/24) 200' MS: 14.3% (3/21) 300' IC: 86.5% (83= /96) +300' IC: 92.6% (50/54) Severe Env.: 90.5% (19/21) [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] view complete utilization report [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Light Crude Oi= l: $20.10/BBL (3.61%) Brent Crude Oil: $19.60/BBL (-1.95%) Natural Gas:= $1.92/MMBtu (-5.42%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.58/gal (0.00%) prices from:= 1/28/2002 change since: 1/25/2002 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAG= E]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09 Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor, feature your job ope= ning or, advertise your upcoming industry conference. Click here for mor= e information, send your press release to info@rigzone.com or call us at = 281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsl= etter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone an= d updating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML= or Text) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. = Click here to log in . =09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09