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=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09Thursday March 21, 2002=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 RIGZONE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09home | news | search | maps | data | jobs | = market | store =09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] In This Issue [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Current Oil and Gas Industry News T! op Stories for the Past= 7 Days Featured Events and Conferences What's in Store - Books & More = Featured Employment Opportunities Surplus Oilfield Equipment For Sale World= wide Offshore Rig Utilization Oil & Gas Prices [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I= ndustry Headlines [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Results Are In For GOM Lease S= ale 182 The MMS Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 182 attracted $363,210,467 in hi= gh bids from 77 companies. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Landmark Graphics Releas= es SpecDecomp Landmark Graphics Corporation has released SpecDecomp(TM), = a new, innovative reservoir imaging and interpretation technology solution.= SpecDecomp provides greater resolution of reservoir boundaries, heterogene= ities and thickness than previously possible with traditional broadband sei= smic displays. For more information click here . Exploration [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Unocal Adds to GOM Acreage Unocal was appare= nt high bidder for interests in 18 blocks in the Central Gulf of Mexico OCS= Lease Sale No. 182. Spinnaker Higher Bidder of 40 GOM Blocks Spinnaker p= articipated in a total of 56 bid submissions, second most by industry fo! r= OCS Sale #182. Devon Higher Bidder of Four GOM Blocks Devon Energy Corpo= ration was the apparent high bidder on four shallow water blocks in today's= Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 182. ChevronTexaco Awarded Block Offsho= re Cambodia ChevronTexaco together with Mitsui has won an exploration lice= nse offshore Cambodia. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Production [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] Oman Invites Bids for Gas Expansion Project Oman is pl= anning a $150 million expansion of an upstream gas plant due to rapidly gro= wing demand for LNG. ExxonMobil To Develop Bintang Field ExxonMobil annou= nced plans to develop the Bintan! g field in the South China Sea to help me= et growing gas demand in Malaysia. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company & Fin= ancial News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Noble Drilling Purchases Two = Semisubmersibles Noble Drilling has agreed to purchase two semisubmersible= drilling rigs, the Transocean 96 and Transocean 97 for $31 million in cash= . Conoco Acquires Additional Interests Offshore Norway Conoco will acquir= e an additional 6-percent interest in the Heidrun field and an additional 1= 5-percent interest in the Njord field. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Last 7 Da= ys Top Stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Murphy Awards Front Runner= Contract ! Murphy has awarded a contract to J. Ray McDermott to construc= t a Floating Production System for the Front Runner Project. Halliburton M= ay Divide Into Separate Business Units Halliburton Co. may separate into t= wo independent subsidiaries by midyear. Hugo Chavez Could Order Army to Ru= n PDVSA Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday he would order the= armed forces to take over PDVSA if protesting executives and employees tri= ed to halt the company's operations through a strike action. Rowan Gorilla= V Contract Dispute is Resolved Rowan Companies, Inc. reported that an agr= eement has been reached to resolve a dispute over the Rowan Gorilla V contr= act. Tartan Commences 170 Well D! rilling Program in California Tartan En= ergy Inc. announces a 170 development well, shallow reserve drilling progra= m to commence in April 2002. Kerr-McGee Increases 2002 Budget by 15% Kerr= -McGee Corp. has increased its capital budget for exploration and productio= n development projects by 15%, or $120 million, to approximately $900 milli= on. Santos To Acquire Esenjay Exploration Santos and Esenjay Exploration = have entered into a definitive merger agreement. Kerr-McGee Scores with Na= vajo Kerr-McGee Corp. announced three oil and gas discoveries on separate= fault blocks at the Navajo field in its core East Breaks area of the deepw= ater Gulf of Mexico. In-Depth Systems Successfully U! ses RFID Technology = for Marathon Well In-Depth Systems, Inc. has successfully proven its RFID = technology for firing the perforation guns to complete a Marathon well in A= laska. TotalFinaElf Acquires Block 34 in Oman TotalFinaElf has signed an = Exploration and Production Sharing Agreement with the Oman Ministry of Petr= oleum, taking a 100% interest as operator in Block 34. Brazil To Fund New = Exploration Research ANP has over $430 million designated for research in = Brazil, including the gathering of geological data and seismic prospecting = which is normally handled by Petrobras. PanCanadian and AEC Get Green Ligh= t AEC and PanCanadian announced that the waiting period under the Hart-Sco= tt-Rodino Antitrust Act ended on March 18, 2002, without inqui! ry by the U= .S. Federal Trade Commission or the U.S. Department of Justice. [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] The SGI Energy Summit 2002 - Visualizing the Future [IMAGE] Hea= r what leaders of top corporations, crucial software providers, and key pol= icy makers have to say about the impact of advanced technology on the futur= e of our industry. This summit promises to fish for all the critical answer= s to this industry's future success. To learn more, click here! U= pcoming Oil & Gas Industry Events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Apr. 2 = e-Business in the E?Industry - Targeting the Value Houston Apr. 7 = CORROSION/2002 Denver Apr. 8 Weatherman's Classic Charity Golf Tournam= ent Houston Apr. 9 2002 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibit= ion Houston May. 1 Nigeria Oil & Gas 2002 London May. 6 Offshore = Technology Conference 2002 Houston May. 13 Introduction to the Petroleu= m Industry Houston May. 21 Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Guinea London Ju= n. 23 Ocean Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2002 Oslo Aug. 27 ONS 2= 002 Conference and Exhibition Stavanger list your conference view upcomi= ng events [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Click here to = go to Baker Hughes AADE Horizon Offshore HoverDril [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = promote your company [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Power Play: Who's In C= ontrol of the Energy Revolution [IMAGE] [IMAGE] D & D Standard Oil Abbrev= iator, 5th Edition [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ship Construction Sketches and Notes 2= nd Ed. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more products [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] featured equipment: Ambar Marine 26' Fast Rescue Boats [IMAGE] = 4 1/2-inch 19.2 Lbs Pipe [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] more equipment = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] featured jobs: - Manager- Crude Oil Supply - Senior= Project Engineer - Senior Procurement Manager more hot jobs << featur= ed candidates: - Finance Manager - Production Superintendent - Senior El= ectronics Technician search for candidates << [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] Drillships: To 5000': 57.1% (8/14) +5000': 96.0% (24/25)= Semisubs: 2nd Gen: 63.9% (46/72) 3rd Gen: 86.0% (43/50) 4th Gen: 9= 4.7% (36/38) 5th Gen: 85.7% (6/7) Jackups: To 200': 56.1% (37/66) 20= 0' MC: 45.8% (11/24) 200' MS: 19.0% (4/21) 300' IC: 89.6% (86/96) +30= 0' IC: 94.4% (51/54) Severe Env.: 81.0% (17/21) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] vi= ew complete uti! lization report [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Light Crude Oil: $2= 4.90/BBL (-0.24%) Brent Crude Oil: $24.66/BBL (-1.00%) Natural Gas: = $3.08/MMBtu (-4.05%) Unleaded Gasoline: $0.81/gal (-3.57%) prices from:= 3/20/2002 change since: 3/19/2002 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[= IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09 Promotional Opportunities Become a Sponsor, feature your job ope= ning or, advertise your upcoming industry conference. Click here for mor= e information, send your press release to info@rigzone.com or call us at = 281-345-4040. Member Services If you no longer wish to receive this newsl= etter, you may unsubscribe by clicking here or by logging in to Rigzone an= d updating your profile. You can also change the format you receive (HTML= or Text) and your email address by logging in and updating your account. = Click here to log in . =09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09