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Click here [IMAGE] greeting-cards.com is delighted to introdu= ce our brand NEW service - paper cards at the BEST price! Just $1.93 per ca= rd, including first class postage and FREE personalization, with an additio= nal 10% off your next order! [IMAGE] Our deluxe, personalized paper ca= rds have 2 vivid images to display your favorite e-card scenario the opti= on to add your recipient's name to the front page greeting, and FREE corr= esponding e-card versions! Your exact personalization will appear in t= he paper card AND e-card versions of your card! Buy 2 cards at the same tim= e and we'll send you a FREE sample of our innovative product to check out f= or yourself! http://www.greeting-cards.com/papercards [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Say It with Red Roses [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] Valentine's Day is on its way! Start your preparations early by pickin= g out the perfect Valentine for each of your loved ones from greeting-cards= .com's excellent paper card collection! The sooner you get to it, the soone= r your personalized Valentine's Day wishes can be on their way to the impor= tant people in your life! www.greeting-cards.com/papercards/valentinesd = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Moonlight Serenade [IMAGE] [IM= AGE] Celebrate Hugging Day on January 21st by holding the people dearest = to you close. Learn from our cuddly cat couple's example and wrap your arms= around the ones you love! A real hug is the best present of all but if you= can't be there in person, send this animated embrace as a token of your lo= ve! www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/moonls [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out the paper card version of thi= s FREE e-card! www.greeting-cards.com/papercards/moonls [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Increase Your Energy Level Naturally! = Click here for more information! http://by.advertising.com/energy AOL use= rs click here [IMAGE] Pie Face [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Share a slice of pie w= ith a friend in observance of National Pie Day on January 23rd! Or go ahead= and virtually dunk that friend's entire head into the desert and really ma= ke him or her appreciate every last bite. This hilarious animation is the p= erfect treat for anyone hungry for a spirited laugh! www.greeting-cards.co= m/pieface [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Celebrate ANY and EVERY occasion with beaut= iful flowers and great gifts by greeting-cards.com and our partners! Choose= from our selection of fresh flowers, delicious gourmet baskets, and exciti= ng gifts and brighten the holiday season for everyone in your life! www.g= reeting-cards.com/flowersandgifts [IMAGE] A Ray of Sunshine [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Make a school nurse's day blossom with our radiant bunch of flowers!= Celebrate National School Nurse Day on January 23rd by spreading your best= wishes, good news, or just a little bit of sunshine with this beautiful an= imation. www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/raysunsh [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out the paper card versi= on of this FREE e-card! www.greeting-cards.com/papercards/raysunsh [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Get 12 CDs for the price = of 1, nothing more to buy, ever! Simply join BMG Music Service and you can= choose your FREE CDs from over 12,000 titles. This incredible deal is as s= imple as it sounds. No tricks, no gimmicks, no kidding. It's 100% RISK FRE= E! http://by.advertising.com/freeCD AOL users click here [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] Did you know that Dr. King accepted the Nobel Peace Prize by deliverin= g an address on the need for a lasting approach to peaceful coexistence amo= ng people of different races, belief systems, and backgrounds? Learn more = about Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and other January holidays at www.greetin= g-cards.com/greetingreasons/january [IMAGE] Jammin' Pair [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] Bring your computer screen to life with a great screen saver. Watch our= cool couple get their groove on the dance floor while you give your comput= er a rest! www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/jamminpair [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Check out the paper card v= ersion of this FREE e-card! www.greeting-cards.com/papercards/jamminpair = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] All of our FREE e-cards are avai= lable as screen savers. Forward this newsletter to some friends and share= the fantastic greeting cards we offer. See you around http://www.greeting= -cards.com [IMAGE] greeting-cards.com team BEST price for deluxe, personal= ized paper cards with FREE matching e-cards! To unsubscribe dschool@enro= n.com from this newsletter, follow one of these steps: 1. Forward the entir= e unedited newsletter to remove@greeting-cards.com 2. Click on remove@greet= ing-cards.com and send. Please, do not edit. 3. Go to greeting-cards.com/m= ynewsletters . There is no need to mark or correct anything - your newslett= er subscription will be canceled immediately. paper cards Letter ID: {= 974a0bdb-0aef-7397-e034-080020b14982} =09