Enron Mail

Subject:greeting-cards.com marks the feast of Easter!
Date:Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:07:51 -0800 (PST)

The Best Weight Loss Tools Online! =09
http://www.greeting-cards.com a better way to greet [IMAGE] since 1995 [=
IMAGE] greeting-cards.com guest! If this newsletter is incorrectly format=
ted or is not loading properly, please go http://greeting-cards.com/current=
newsletter [IMAGE] [IMAGE] this newsletter is sponsored by: [IMAGE] =
onapp.com [IMAGE] planetlucky.com [IMAGE] DIRECTV DSLTM [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] All of our e-cards are [IMAGE] so stock up on as many a=
s you like! And come check out our fantastic [IMAGE] paper cards at [IMAGE=
] ! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] greeting-cards.com NOW off=
ers paper cards for Easter at the BEST price: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Just $1.93 per card, including first class postage! Send this deluxe, =
personalized paper card at 30% off and get an additional 10% off your next =
order! Personalize your card online and be done with it - we print and mail=
it for you! 2 vivid images to display this winsome e-card scenario as a lu=
xurious, personalized paper card, FREE personalization with the option to a=
dd your recipient's name to the front page greeting, and FREE matching e-ca=
rds! Send your Easter best with greeting-cards.com style by way of a b=
eautiful, unique paper card! www.greeting-cards.com/papercards/easter =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] this newsletter =
is sponsored by Cupid Junction [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thousand=
s and thousands of people are developing quality relationships at this very=
moment...all from the comfort and safety of home. Click this link to crea=
te a FREE profile on Cupid Junction and meet that special someone right now=
! www.greeting-cards.com/cupidjunctionapp/ [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] Chocolate Bunny [IMAGE] [IMAGE] So what if you don't cele=
brate Easter! Surely, you have friends, family, or co-workers for whom the =
occasion is an important one, so browse our varied collection of amazing FR=
EE e-cards and find just what you need to mark the holiday, even if it isn'=
t your own! http://www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/easter [IMAGE] Cli=
ck to learn more... [IMAGE] Egg Painting Fun [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Egg pain=
ting is one of the treasured pastimes associated with Easter, but the fun t=
wist this activity takes when the eggs begin painting one another in our lo=
vable animation is one you simply must share with the people in your life! =
Send this FREE e-card, and a smile, to celebrate the festivities! www.gree=
ting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/eggpntfn [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] We'd like to thank our customers for making our NEW paper card servi=
ce a success! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Buy 2 cards at the same time=
and we'll send you a FREE sample card to check out for yourself! Personal=
ize your card online and be done with it - we print and mail it for you! Se=
nd this touching scenario, shown in exquisite detail on our high quality pa=
per, as a reflection of your heartfelt Easter wishes! Choose from a variety=
of gorgeous paper cards at 30% off! Mark Easter or any other occasion =
by sending this terrific paper card! http://www.greeting-cards.com/paper=
cards/easter [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
this newsletter is sponsored by planetlucky.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Select from hundreds of Full version software titles as close to F=
REE as it gets and have them delivered straight to your door - All you pay=
is a $6.99 s/h/p fee. That's up to 90% Savings!!! Gift For You [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Easter Egg Hunt [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Put=
a spin on a traditional Easter egg hunt by sending this heartwarming anima=
tion. Our adorable bunny hops across the grassy knoll to uncover some brigh=
tly painted Easter eggs. Clicking on each egg reveals a special message: so=
mething sweet, if even not to eat, so send this FREE e-card as an Easter tr=
eat! www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/eastregghnt [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] flowers and gifts by greeting-cards.com and our partners! [IMAGE] [=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] proflowers.com [I=
MAGE] hammacher.com [IMAGE] Martha Stewart Celebrate ANY and EVERY oc=
casion with beautiful flowers and great gifts by greeting-cards.com and our=
partners! Choose from our selection of fresh flowers, delicious gourmet ba=
skets, and exciting gifts for everyone in your life! www.greeting-cards.c=
om/flowersandgifts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] this newsletter is sponsored by DIRECTV DSL TM [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] Slow Internet got you down? With DIRECTV DSL? you can surf =
the Web up to 50 times faster than dial-up*! Order today and get 6 months =
of DIRECTV DSL? service for $39.99 a month. After that it's only $49.99 per=
/mo! Annual contract applies. Visit www.directvdsl.com or call 866-207-203=
3 for details . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Did y=
ou know that Easter marks not only the resurrection of Christ, but also the=
revitalization of the natural world? The significance of this symbolism be=
comes clearer when Easter is compared to other Vernal Equinox celebrations.=
Learn more about Easter and other March holidays at www.greeting-cards.c=
om/greetingreasons/march [IMAGE] Click to learn more... [IMAGE] Juggli=
ng Eggs [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Bring your computer screen to life with a great=
screen saver. Watch our Easter bunny expertly juggle three eggs while you =
give your computer a rest! www.greeting-cards.com/FREEe-cards/juggleggs =
[IMAGE] All of our FREE e-cards are available as screen savers. Forward =
this newsletter to some friends and share the fantastic FREE e-cards and n=
icely priced paper cards we offer. See you around http://www.greeting-cards=
.com [IMAGE] greeting-cards.com team BEST price for deluxe, personalized =
paper cards with FREE matching e-cards! To unsubscribe dschool@enron.com =
from this newsletter, follow one of these steps: 1. Forward the entire uned=
ited newsletter to remove@greeting-cards.com 2. Click on remove@greeting-ca=
rds.com and send. Please, do not edit. 3. Go to greeting-cards.com/mynewsl=
etters . There is no need to mark or correct anything - your newsletter sub=
scription will be canceled immediately. paper cards Letter ID: {974a0d=
57-1ea8-7397-e034-080020b14982} =09