Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Bisti Replacement Motor Update"
Date:Thu, 21 Mar 2002 07:27:15 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pribble, Dan
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:50 AM
To: Schoolcraft, Darrell
Subject: FW: Bisti Replacement Motor Update"

FYI, looks like 6 weeks. I have communicated to Steve Harris.

-----Original Message-----
From: Spalding, Norm
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 3:35 PM
To: Jones, Timothy; Pribble, Dan; Brasher, Barney; San-Juan, Team; San-Juan-LaPlata, Team; Jones, Vera; Collins, Judy; Gallup, Team; Gallup-Sta4, Team; Gallup-Sta5, Team; Morse, Ronnie; Ingalls, Todd; Geheb, Robert; Bailey, Arnie; Roensch, David; Smith, Rick; Whippo, Jeff; Mayes, Josh; Honey, Lisa; Smith, Sarabeth; Knippa, Mark
Cc: Eisenstein, Arnold L.; Chanley, Earl; McCracken, Mike; Matthews, Ron; Bissey, Ginger; DeLosSantos, Ernie; Fitzwater, Sandra; Brown, Dwain; Martin, Jerry D.
Subject: Bisti Replacement Motor Update"

We informed Ideal Electric this afternoon to start work on the Bisti replacement motor. Josh Mayes has contacted Andrew Gagnon at Ideal with the P.O. information. We were able to negotiate a three year warranty with the 6 week delivery. Price will be $295,000 with a reduction in price of $30,000 to $35,000 if we can reuse the existing rotor and/or parts from the previously installed rotor. We will need to ship the entire motor except for the top hat enclosure and the rotor at Roswell to Ideal.

Todd or Tiny, please ship the motor and spare rotor to Ideal Electric Company, 330 E. First Street, Mansfield, OH, 44902 Attn: Andrew Gagnon, phone 419-522-3611.

Sarabeth or Josh, please contact Ideal for a long term service contract. Dan Pribble would like to know what this cost would be and he will decide if this option should be pursued.

Arnold, please send Andy at Ideal the information you have on the Gallup motor.

Ideal is checking on the cost of a spare motor which would be good for both Bloomfield and Bisti. Depending on what the Gallup specifications are, Ideal might be able to make the spare motor good for all three installations.

We have informed Mark Knippa with ECS that due to the emergency situation that TW is leading the efforts to get Bisti back into service. Mark will be in contact with us as to his negotiations with the Creditor's Committee on reimbursing TW for all costs. I think Sarabeth will be our contact on these discussions?

I will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday. Arnold Eisenstein will be available if any questions or concerns arise. Thanks, Norm

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Timothy
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:08 PM
To: Pribble, Dan; Brasher, Barney; San-Juan, Team; San-Juan-LaPlata, Team; Jones, Vera; Collins, Judy; Gallup, Team; Gallup-Sta4, Team; Gallup-Sta5, Team; Morse, Ronnie; Ingalls, Todd; Geheb, Robert; Bailey, Arnie; Roensch, David; Smith, Rick; Whippo, Jeff
Cc: Eisenstein, Arnold L.; Spalding, Norm; Chanley, Earl; McCracken, Mike; Matthews, Ron; Bissey, Ginger; DeLosSantos, Ernie; Fitzwater, Sandra; Brown, Dwain
Subject: X.001796 Bisti Elect. Motor Repairs "CANCELLED"
Importance: High


A PAF has been routed for a C.03 Overhaul number for all charges to this project. As soon as I get the C.03 number I will forward to all concerned for charges.

Sorry about the confusion. Thanks, tj

Timothy Jones
Transwestern Pipeline Company
Summit Office Bldg., Ste. 250
4001 Indian School Rd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 260-4007
FAX: (505) 254-1437
E-Mail: Timothy.Jones@enron.com