Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Caliper Tool & Smart Pig Runs
Date:Thu, 30 Aug 2001 15:05:42 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Arnie
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 3:34 PM
To: Jolly, Rich
Cc: Rice, Randy; Brown, Max; Smith, Rick; Roensch, David; Gallup, Team; Gallup-Sta4, Team; Gallup-Sta5, Team; Laguna, Team; Mountainair, Team; Roswell, Team; Roswell-Capitan, Team; Chanley, Earl; Kunkel, Laura; Tarter, Steve; Gormley, John; Schoolcraft, Darrell; McCracken, Mike; Choquette, Gary
Subject: Caliper Tool & Smart Pig Runs

In preparation for smart pigging the mainline in sections 7 & 8 in September, TDW caliper tool runs were performed last week. We also ran the caliper tools in both lines of section 5 this week to pinpoint dents indicated last year by TDW. They were unable to get valid data from their equipment last year and performed this weeks run at no cost.

The caliper runs were successful and the following is preliminary data:

August 21st
Caliper run on Mainline from Sta. 7 to Sta. 6 - No indications of dents or ovalities greater than 1.5" (5% of pipe diameter).

August 22nd
Caliper run on Mainline from Sta. 8 to Sta. 7 - Three indications of dents above 1.5" - 1.71", 1.75" & 2.45". According to PII the 2.45" dent should still leave approximately .5" clearance for the smart tool to pass. All indications above 1.5" will need to be repaired per our procedures. This will probably be done when making repairs resulting form the smart pig run. This is preliminary field data and could change with further evaluation by TDW. The full report will be complete in two to four weeks. The TDW representative did say that any changes would be to a smaller number.

August 28th
Caliper run on Loopline from Sta. 5 to Sta. 4 - Three indications of dents above 1.5" - 1.89", 2.05" & 2.59". These numbers should be reduced somewhat after further evaluation, taking the pig speed into consideration.

August 29th
Caliper run on Mainline from Sta. 5 to Sta. 4 - Four indications of dents above 1.5" - 1.61", 1.86", 2.09" & 2.09". Again, these numbers will probably be reduced with further evaluation.

We will need to schedule repairs for any dents 1.5" or greater. To be able to make the repairs we may have to reduce pressures to 60% MAOP. During tie-ins on the Red Rock project might be a good time.

The smart pig runs in section 7 & 8 are on schedule and will be performed the week of September 17th. The Sta. 8 to Sta. 7 smart pig will be run on Tuesday and the Sta. 7 to Sta. 6 smart pig will be run on Thursday.

TDW cleaning pigs will be run in both sections the prior week (September 10th). There will be a TDW representative on site to verify the line is clean enough to smart pig. John Gormley will coordinate the cleaning pig runs.

Great appreciation to Teams Roswell, Gallup, Laguna, Mountainair, John Gormley, Steve Tarter & TW Gas Control for the good and safe work performed. The project went smooth.
