Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Smart Pigging In Sections 7 & 8
Date:Wed, 5 Sep 2001 11:02:32 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Arnie
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:11 PM
To: Jolly, Rich; Osborn, Roger; Roensch, David; Smith, Rick; Roswell, Team; Roswell-Capitan, Team; Mountainair, Team; Laguna, Team; Flagstaff, Team; Flagstaff-Sta2, Team; Flagstaff-Sta3, Team; San-Juan, Team; Gallup, Team; Panhandle, Team; Panhandle-P2, Team; Artesia, Team; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Brown, Max; Chanley, Earl; Kunkel, Laura; Tarter, Steve; Gormley, John; Holguin, Danny; McCracken, Mike; Blountm@pii-usa.com
Subject: Smart Pigging In Sections 7 & 8

We will be running a PII Smart Pig in the mainline in section 8 and 7 during the week of September 17th. The proposed schedule is as follows:

Monday - 9-17-01 - Safety and tailgate meeting at 1:00/PM MDT at Station 8 (Corona). Load smart pig in station 8 mainline launcher. Set out AGM's
Tuesday - 9-18-01 - Run smart pig from station 8 to station 7 (section 8 mainline). Relocate AGM's as needed. Receive pig at station 7, clean it and put it in shop. Retrieve all AGM's
Wednesday - 9-19-01 - PII will retrieve data and prepare the pig for the next run. Load smart pig in station 7 mainline launcher. Set out AGM's.
Thursday - 9-20-01 - Run smart pig from station 7 to station 6 (section 7 mainline). Relocate AGM's as needed. Receive pig at station 6, clean it and put it in shop. Retrieve all AGM's.
Friday - 9-21-01 - PII will retrieve data and prepare the pig for shipping. Travel home.

Cleaning pigs have been run in both sections as gas flow allowed. A TD Williamson representative will be on site next week to witness cleaning runs to verify the pipe is clean enough to smart pig. TD Williamson Caliper Pigs have been run in both sections and indicate there are no restrictions in the pipe that will affect the smart pig.

Suggested lodging:
Monday the 17th - Smokey Bear Motel - 505-354-2253. Located in downtown Capitan. Make your reservations now or you may have no room.
Tuesday through Thursday - Best Western Oak Tree Inn - 505-861-0980. Located on West side of I-40 at the middle exit at Belen, NM. 30 miles South of Albuquerque.

You can contact me at 505-625-8005 (work), 505-626-1530 (cell) or 800-586-5735 (pager).

Thanks, Arnie