Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Tropical Update
Date:Thu, 13 Sep 2001 10:23:20 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: Hyatt, Kevin
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:26 AM
To: Donoho, Lindy; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK; Lokay, Michelle;
Robertson, Audrey; Watson, Kimberly; Blair, Lynn; Buchanan, John;
Hernandez, Bert; Kowalke, Terry; McEvoy, Christine; Miller, Beverly;
Minter, Tracy; Mulligan, Amy; Rivers, Cynthia; Schoolcraft, Darrell;
Ward, Linda
Cc: Robertson, Audrey; Wadle, Susan
Subject: FW: Tropical Update

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Altoe [mailto:caltoe@sempratrading.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:17 AM
Subject: Tropical Update

Attached is a copy of the Tropical Update for September 13, 2001. The
tropical weather update can be opened by double-clicking on the attached PDF
file, and you can zoom in on each of the maps using the magnifying glass
icon in Adobe.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or
comments regarding this forecast.

Best Regards,
Carl Altoe

<<Tropics - Sept 13th.pdf<<

Carl Altoe, Meteorologist
Sempra Energy Trading Corp.
58 Commerce Road
Stamford, CT 06902

Phone: (203) 355-5189
Fax: (203) 355-5010
E-mail: caltoe@sempratrading.com

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