Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Westar Ward outage
Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 14:07:35 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Baker, Robert =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, August 28, 2001 3:56 PM
To:=09Schoolcraft, Darrell
Cc:=09Mobley, Randall; Bandel, Bob; Clark, Scott
Subject:=09Westar Ward outage

Per our discussion concerning the needed outage at Westar Ward for aprox. 3=
hours to dig up an underground check valve. We have scheduled to do this T=
hursday, Aug. 30th, at 08:00hrs. We do not know what kind of check valve is=
there, so the plan is to shut down the station, dig out the check valve, d=
etermine what type of check, and then put the station back in service until=
we can get the needed parts such as o-ring or top gasket for that type of =
check. The best case senario is that the check will be of the type that we =
can just pull the top, remove the clapper, replace top gasket and top, and =
put back in service. This will require another short outage as we can not h=
ave the parts on hand until we determine the type of check valve. Worst cas=
e senario is that the check type is not one that we can remove the clapper =
which will require us to obtain another type of check valve and replace the=
hole check which would again require another short outage. I will get back=
to you on scheduling the second outage as soon as possible. If you have an=
y questions, give me a call.
