Enron Mail

To:doug.cebryk@enron.com, kevin.hyatt@enron.com
Subject:RE: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament
Date:Thu, 30 Aug 2001 07:27:20 -0700 (PDT)

I would be glad to play. However I am not a scratch golfer anymore. My ha=
ndicap is at 15 now that I don't play as much.
If you still want me to play let me know. Thanks for the invite. =20


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cebryk, Doug =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:33 AM
To:=09Hyatt, Kevin
Cc:=09Schoolcraft, Darrell
Subject:=09RE: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament

You don't need to be good, just keen. I'm signing you up and counting on yo=
u. What is you handicap?
Would you bei nterested in joing our foursome for this tournament? Please l=
et me know if you're interested and what your handicap is

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hyatt, Kevin =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:30 AM
To:=09Cebryk, Doug
Subject:=09RE: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament

I love to play, I'm just not very good. I would suggest Darrell Schoolcraf=
t (in gas control for ETS). He's a good guy and almost a scratch golfer. =
His extension is 34299.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cebryk, Doug =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:50 PM
To:=09Hyatt, Kevin; Cole, Dan
Subject:=09FW: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament

[Cebryk, Doug] Kevin and Dan

Would you be interested in playing in this whorthwhile tournament?
Jerry Martin has agreed to sponsor an "Enron" team, and I need to put toget=
her a credible????? foursome.
Please let me know if you're interested and if you can think of a 4th.
Original Message-----
From: =09Cebryk, Doug =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:04 AM
To:=09Martin, Jerry D.
Subject:=09FW: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament

If I can come up with a foursome, would you be able to sponsor us?
Please let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Robinson, Larry =20
Sent:=09Monday, August 27, 2001 2:14 PM
To:=09adam.gross; Ames, Chuck; Anderson, Mitchell; Baumbach, David; Bayles,=
Timothy; Benningfield, Robert; Best, John; Borden, Stephen; Bracken, Brian=
; Brasher, Gary; Brown, Tyrone; Carriere, Frank; Cebryk, Doug; Chandler, Bo=
b; Chang, Je; Chavarria, Javier; Coker, Ron; Comiskey, Trey; Conway, Karen;=
Corbacho, Sebastian; Cornett, Justin; Cross, Bill; Cross, Richard; Dietz, =
Rick; Doran, Bill; Dubose, Arthur - Spouse; Dupont, Allan - Spouse; Fancler=
, Dan; Feitler, Eric; Finken, Paul; Fischer, Bill; Foon, Hoong P.; Frank, M=
atthew; Fugel, Robert; Fuja, Jim; Gibson, Roy; Gim, Steve; Gould, Randy; Gr=
aves, Jerry; Griffith, Terry; Groves, Eric; Hanagriff, Richard; Haug, David=
; Homco, Jim; Jackson, Lee; Jones, Sam; Kachinski, Joe; Karbarz, Frank; Kas=
emervisz, William E.; Keene, Patrick; Keezel, David; Knoblauh, Jay; Koye, K=
en; Lallani, Moyez; Lee, Kyu-Bong; Martinsen, Aaron; Maskell, David; McAdoo=
, Jack V; McCumber, Gary; Misra, Narsimha; Moore, Michael; Morse, Stephen; =
Moseley, Jeff - Spouse; Pate, Brett; Pennix, Chad; Powell, David; Ratliff, =
Lonnie; Robertson, Jim; Robinson, Larry; Rogers, Benjamin; Ross, Steve; Rou=
nd, Samuel; Russ, Mark; Russo, Gavin; Samudio, Juan; Schoenemann, Todd; Sel=
ten, Dolph; Siekmeier, Jill; Smith, George F.; South, Chad; Stepenovitch, J=
oe; Tackett, Scott; Taylor, Gary; Tellez, Tomas; Trimble, Greg; Varma, Sanj=
aya; Walton, Mark; Ward, Sandra; Ware, Weldon; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Wood, Ch=
ad; Yanowski, Tommy J.
Subject:=09FW: 4th Annual Energize Houston Golf Tournament

Enron Golfers:
This is a great tournament to play. If you can, get your cost center to spo=
nsor a team.
Please see attached documents.


<< OLE Object: Picture (Metafile) <<=20

Enron Networks:


It's that time of the year again. Thanks to your generous support and volu=
nteer efforts in the past, we have raised over $187,000 benefiting Texas Ch=
ildren's Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant Unit through His Grace Foundation =
(HGF). HGF supplies gift baskets, meals, parking, and other services (laund=
ry, grocery shopping, banking, post office, etc?) to patients and their fam=
ilies, including several Enron families in the past.

Your participation once again would go along way in making this year's tour=
nament a success. I hope you will consider playing or sponsoring in our 20=
01 tournament.

I have included a registration form as well as a flyer with more tournament=

Hope to see you on the Green!

Jim Coffey, Jr.

<< File: 2001_GolfFlyer.doc <<=20