Enron Mail

To:doug.cebryk@enron.com, dan.cole@enron.com, kevin.hyatt@enron.com
Subject:RE: Detailes and Directions - Golf Tournament Oct. 1st
Date:Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:08:15 -0700 (PDT)

I will be there.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cebryk, Doug =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:36 PM
To:=09Cole, Dan; Hyatt, Kevin; Schoolcraft, Darrell
Subject:=09FW: Detailes and Directions - Golf Tournament Oct. 1st

[Cebryk, Doug] Gentlemen.
Are you ready? Original Message-----
From: =09Lunz, Lisa =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:10 PM
To:=09Frank, Mark; Thatcher, Stephen; Kanani, Pratish; Wilkins, Keat; Sherm=
an, Cris; Bonner, Elliot; Sorenson, Jefferson D.; Croom, Chris; Bryan, Gary=
; Redmond, Brian; Smith, George F.; Superty, Robert; Grass, John; Morado, C=
hristina; Aguilar, Elsa; Ihrig, Chad; Talwar, Ritu; Lafave, Jill; Body, Ton=
ya; Coffey Jr., Jim; Whiting, Greg; Oxley, David; Sentiff, Gary; Renaud, To=
dd; McAuliffe, Bob; Croucher Jr, Mike; Davis, Del; Hatch, Tyrone; Bayles, T=
imothy; Fritz, Duane; Schmidt, Mark; Sommer, Allan; Awang, Abe; Draper, Dav=
id; Elwood, Richard; Cebryk, Doug; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Hyatt, Kevin; Cole=
, Dan; Dimitry, Dirk; Zivley, Jill T.; Moscoso, Michael E.; Farace, Craig; =
Barnes, Ronald; Mondey, Faris; 'chris.morton@us.cgeyc.com'; 'info@mackeygal=
lery.com'; 'rickjohnson@enron.com'; Brown, Daniel; O'Callaghan, Mickey; 'dm=
t@compassbank.com'; 'deanna@tinsleygroup.com'; 'davidcw@wellsfargo.com'; 'p=
downey@southerngas.com'; 'mcampbell@hdinc.com'; 'rsmith@weingarten.com'; Br=
own, Rob; 'momeara@centraap.com'; 'mrgraves@aep.com'; Shoemaker, Paul; 'bco=
nley@coral-energy.com'; 'sdawson@camdenprop.com'; 'improthro@duke-energy.co=
m'; 'b5valveman@aol.com'; Hatch, Tyrone; Barnes, Ronald; Davis, Del; Carrie=
re, Frank; Yanowski, Tommy J.; Bayles, Timothy; Fritz, Duane; Schmidt, Mark=
; Csikos, Lisa; 'jfinke@deloitte.com'; 'tabuckner@hotmail.com'
Cc:=09Denetsosie, Troy; Gibson, Roy; Ishaq, Syed K; Booth, Valerie; Pedroza=
, Stella; Reed, Jennifer; Washington, Deanna; Moore, Mary Kay; Day, Misti; =
Carter, Carol; Pitre, Becky; Wagner, Mike; Fontana, David
Subject:=09Detailes and Directions - Golf Tournament Oct. 1st


Monday Oct. 1st, 2001

21602 =09Cypresswood Drive

Arrive at Cypresswood by 8:00 am to register, eat donuts and hit some balls=
on the range. Shotgun start is at 9am. Golfers probably should wear c=
olored shirts and kacki or docker type pants or shorts. Lunch will be pr=
ovided by Eatzies. Please make sure you check with the registration booth =
after completing your game, to see if you have won a raffle item.

If you have not sent in your registration form and payment by Oct. 1st, yo=
u will not be allowed to participate.

Attached below are the directions to Cypresswood Golf Course. See you on t=
he Green!

<< File: 2001_GolfFlyer.doc <<=20