Enron Mail

Subject:RE: MOPS Update
Date:Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:01:20 -0800 (PST)

Great job.....


-----Original Message-----
From: Vaughan, Cara
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:49 PM
To: Blair, Lynn; Buchanan, John; Kowalke, Terry; Schoolcraft, Darrell; 'robert.m.burleson@dynegy.com'; Barry, Patrick; Blair, Jean; Bryan, Randy; Callans, Nancy; Carr, James; Clapper, Karen; Perry, Renee; Porter, Diana; Walden, Shirley; Washington, Kathy; Wilkens, Jerry; Benningfield, Robert; Forbish, Sherry; Greaney, Chris; Hibbard, Scott; Janzen, Randy; Linhart, Joe; McDaniel, Janet; Scurlock, Debra; Sturr, Kathy; Vaughan, Cara; Woodson, Harry
Subject: MOPS Update

The South Central Team has been fielding several calls from customers regarding the status of MOPS, Cara and Chris were invited to conference with the Tivoli Area and the crew working on the leak.

The latest information as of 11:00 am Wednesday 2/13/02 is as follows:

The earliest the MOPS system will be unavailable this Saturday 2/16/02 ( best estimate )

The diving crew has located the exact source of the leak, and they are continuing repairs. Right now the weather condition's look favorable and the forecast predicts that the good conditions should continue. The leak is located 160 feet below the surface which presents complications no matter the weather conditions.

At least one member of the South Central Team will listen in on the daily conference call (11:00 am Central Time) and will keep everyone updated; this should help improve the accuracy and timeliness of our information.


Darrell will set the operational capacity to 0 through the 18th on the delivery locations. If the MOPS system come back on before that time the operational capacities can be brought up. This information is available on the bulletin board.

Remember to post as a FORCE MAJEURE on the allocations. If receipt points (ex:platform 762) update the point and their deliveries will be cut.

Some customers have been calling and inquiring if they should nom. gas in the MOPS system. Noming gas is at the shippers discretion, as long as the system is down we will continue to confirm their gas to 0 and allocated the delivery points. Please direct them to the bulletin board. It is ok to let them know of our timeline, please stress that this is an estimate. If you are not comfortable answering any question, please direct them to myself (5-2871), Chris (3-4826) Sherry (3-3063), or Bob Burleson (713-287-1049)

We will keep up updated as the MOPS situation continues. Cara will be on comp days Thurs and Friday-- Chris and Sherry will cover my desk and MOPS in my absence.

Cara and Chris