Enron Mail

To:arnie.bailey@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com, roger.osborn@enron.com,david.roensch@enron.com, rick.smith@enron.com, team.roswell@enron.com, team.roswell-capitan@enron.com, team.mountainair@enron.com, team.laguna@enron.com, team.panhandle@enron.com,
Subject:RE: Smart Pig Runs In Sections 7 & 8
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:18:38 -0700 (PDT)

Gas controllers on duty were Gayle Henley and Bart Mondon. They both did a great job.

Thanks DS

-----Original Message-----
From: Bailey, Arnie
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:07 PM
To: Jolly, Rich; Osborn, Roger; Roensch, David; Smith, Rick; Roswell, Team; Roswell-Capitan, Team; Mountainair, Team; Laguna, Team; Panhandle, Team; Panhandle-P2, Team; Flagstaff, Team; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Brown, Max; Chanley, Earl; Kunkel, Laura; McCracken, Mike; Tarter, Steve; Gormley, John; Holguin, Danny; blountm@pii.com; Pribble, Dan; Rice, Randy; Craig, Rick; Nelson, Mike; Monden, Bart; Henley, Gaynel
Subject: Smart Pig Runs In Sections 7 & 8

On Tuesday we ran a PII smart pig in section 8 (Station 8 to Station 7) and on Thursday ran the smart pig in section 7 (Station 7 to Station 6). Both runs appear to be successful. The data will be forwarded to PII in Houston and a preliminary report will be ready in 2 to 3 weeks. The final report will take 3 months.
I would like to thank The teams from Montainair, Roswell and Laguna, the support help from teams Panhandle and Flagstaff, the Albuquerque Corrosion Specialist, and the Roswell Construction & Engineering group for their dedicated efforts to see the project completed. Long days and short nights don't seem as bad when you've performed well and accomplished the goal.
I would also like to give special thanks to Darrell and the gas controllers for creating the right gas flows for a constant smooth run when the demand in California wasn't there for the gas. You did an excellent job!
Have a great week-end.