Enron Mail

Subject:TW mainline I/C to Griffith PLant and Griffith Power PLT. El paso
Date:Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:34:42 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Schoolcraft, Darrell </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DSCHOOL<
X-To: DL-ETS Gas Controllers </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=DL-ETSGasControllers<
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Citizens Griffith Az. I/C (Mainline Takeoff)(GRIF)

The lo pressure alarm on the analog page for the downstream pressure going to the Griffith plant from TW's mainline
has been reset at 800#.
The lo lo pressure alarm is set at 750#.
Reason: This should give you time to react to possible low pressure concerns in the 3 to 4 miles of pipe from mainline to
Griffith plant and hopefully prevent any plant upsets. This is for our protection. You may need to raise the
For call outs for alarms TW operations is responsible.

If anyone does not agree with this please let me know and we can discuss.

Griffith Power Plt. El Paso and TW (CITZ)

We monitor these two sites as EMAR for Citizens. Remember anytime you receive alarms on these points you refer
to the call out list for Citizens. If you have questions please refer to the handout you received or call me.
The plant is currently down and planning on coming on line and commercial Tuesday September 11.
There are still some questions on which is the better way to set the site for flows. Let me know what you think of
setting TW on pressure control and El Paso on flow control.
Reason: TW pressure is higher and with El Paso on flow control this will allow TW to take the swing when Griffith
has orders from both pipelines. Let me know of your experience with this and let's discuss and write up
some guidelines for us to follow.

Thanks DS