Enron Mail

To:arnie.bailey@enron.com, rick.smith@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com,bob.bandel@enron.com, john.ford@enron.com, randy.howard@enron.com, fred.jordan@enron.com, r..lawrence@enron.com, mickey.lowe@enron.com, eunice <.miller@enron.com<, randall.mobley@en
Subject:RE: 2002 Conf Room Reservations
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:45:18 -0800 (PST)

Attached is the corrected version of the SW Operations Contact List.
I have corrected Jeff Whippo's number (4006).
Thank You.

Melinda Gallishaw
Enron Transportation Services
Southwest Operations
Loc: 3AC3205
Tel: 713-853-7688
Fax: 713-646-4808

-----Original Message-----
From: Gallishaw, Melinda
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:31 AM
To: Bailey, Arnie; Smith, Rick; Roensch, David; Bandel, Bob; Ford, John; Howard, Randy; Jordan, Fred; Lawrence, James R.; Lowe, Mickey; Miller, David A. (Eunice); Mobley, Randall; Newman, Robert; Noyes, David; Reed, Ray; Williams, Walt; Nabors-Collins, Judy; Pool, Deelyn; Alters, Dennis; Brasher, Barney; Clark, Scott; Crowl, Ken; Davenport, Ronny; Harkreader, Jerry ; Hernandez, Dahlia; January, Steve; Lebeau, Randy; Maestas, Gary; Nelson, Mike; Schoolcraft, Darrell; Stephens, LD; Thompson, Charlie; Urban, Larry; Whippo, Jeff
Cc: Pribble, Dan
Subject: FW: 2002 Conf Room Reservations

Please note the LOCATION of our monthly director meetings. ECN45C2

Dan Pribble's new location: ECN4518
Melinda Gallishaw's new location: ECN4517

Our telephone extensions and fax number (713-646-4808) will remain the same.

Attached is our revised SW Directors Contact List.

Thank you and have a great 3 day weekend!

<< File: SW Op Contact List.doc <<

Melinda Gallishaw
Enron Transportation Services
Southwest Operations
Loc: 3AC3205
Tel: 713-853-7688
Fax: 713-646-4808

-----Original Message-----
From: Alder, Amelia
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 5:50 PM
To: Gallishaw, Melinda
Subject: RE: 2002 Conf Room Reservations

Melinda, I put these meetings in ECN45C2.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gallishaw, Melinda
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 11:12 AM
To: Alder, Amelia
Subject: 2002 Conf Room Reservations

These are the dates we have blocked off for Dan's monthly Director meetings.
Can you reserve and block these dates for us? Whichever conference room? I would imagine a large conference room would work. (15 - 20 capacity). Is there anything like this on 45th or 46th floor in the Enron building?

This is Dan's all day staff meetings for the year 2002. (7:00AM - 5:30PM)
Thursday, February 21
Thursday, March 28
Thursday, April 18
Thursday, May 23
Thursday, June 20
Thursday, July 18
Thursday, August 22
Thursday, September 19
Thursday, October 17
Thursday, November 21
Thursday, December 19

Melinda Gallishaw
Enron Transportation Services
Southwest Operations
Loc: 3AC3205
Tel: 713-853-7688
Fax: 713-646-4808