Enron Mail

Subject:Will The AGA Change The Publication Of The Storage Report For The
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 07:25:49 -0700 (PDT)

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Thanks for the quick response yesterday regarding my previous "e mail". Since the NYMEX has just announced that they are going to continue the shortened trading hours (10:45 to 1:45 PM Eastern Time) for next week I was wondering what the AGA's plans are for releasing the Storage Report for the week ending September 21, 2001.
Since the normal release time is 2:00 PM Eastern Time this release will be after the NYMEX Close. This will be especially critical since Wednesday September 26, 2001 is the Settlement Day for the October NYMEX contract. Which means it is the last day the October contract will trade. The Storage information will be very important to the Market. Delaying it until Thursday would not be prudent in my mind. Since we are aware of this situation today I would think all involved would want to decide early what is to be done and to inform all Industry Participants on Monday September 24, 2001 so that everyone has ample time to prepare for whatever is decided. Your help is very much appreciated.

Jim Schwieger

-----Original Message-----
From: Schwieger, Jim
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:36 AM
To: 'mmurray@aga.org'
Cc: Schwieger, Jim; Lavorato, John; Martin, Thomas A.
Subject: Delay of AGA Storage Survey For The Week Ending September 14, 2001

I wanted to express several concerns I have with the circumstances surrounding the decision by the AGA to delay the release of the Storage Survey report for the week ending September 14, 2001.

The rumors started going through the Industry Participants around 11:00 AM Wednesday morning that the AGA was going to delay the reporting of the Storage
Report. At the time I did not think this was possible since the AGA has stated that they will disseminate information to all Industry Participants at the same time through the web site. This is obviously not the case since some Industry Participants were privy to the delay before the general population. Makes me wonder if those same Industry participants will receive the Storage number today prior to its release.

Seems to me that once the decision was made by the AGA to delay the Storage Report the prudent action would be to post it to the web site and to notify the applicable news services of the delay. Waiting until the normal 1:00 PM CT release time simply increased the anxiety and raised the concern that something was wrong with the Storage number. Especially given the recent need by the AGA to correct a reported storage injection of 3 BCF to 50 BCF.

The reasons given for the delay are also questionable in my mind. After the recent correction by the AGA they responded that their release of the Storage number was for information purposes to the members and was not intended to be a market mover. I question what the New York Mercantile Exchange has to do with supplying the market with needed information. I interpreted the explanation of the cause of the delay to be NYMEX wanted to be open for the release of the information.

All of these issues makes me doubt and question the whole process. I would appreciate your comments to the above. I know I can not come close to understanding the emotions and hurdles the NYMEX has to overcome in light of the WTC tragedy. We do need to keep in mind that there are over the counter markets that have continued to function through this crisis.

Jim Schwieger