Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Milberg Weiss Announces Class Action Suit Against Enron Corp
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 05:20:57 -0700 (PDT)

Milberg Weiss Announces Class Action Suit Against Enron Corp.

NEW YORK, Oct 22, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The law firm of Milberg Weiss Ber=
shad Hynes & Lerach LLP announces that a class action lawsuit was filed on =
October 22, 2001, on behalf of purchasers of the common stock of Enron Corp=
. ("Enron" or the "Company") (NYSE: ENE) between January 18, 2000 and Octob=
er 17, 2001, inclusive. A copy of the complaint filed in this action is ava=
ilable from the Court, or can be viewed on Milberg Weiss' website at: http:=
The action, numbered H013630, is pending in the United States District Cour=
t for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, located at 515 Rusk=
Street, Houston TX 77002, against defendants Enron, Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey K=
. Skilling and Andrew Fastow. The Honorable Melinda Harmon is the Judge pre=
siding over the case.=20
The Complaint alleges that defendants violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of =
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder,=
by issuing a series of material misrepresentations to the market between J=
anuary 18, 2000 and October 17, 2001, thereby artificially inflating the pr=
ice of Enron common stock. Specifically, the complaint alleges that Enron i=
ssued a series of statements concerning its business, financial results and=
operations which failed to disclose (i) that the Company's Broadband Servi=
ces Division was experiencing declining demand for bandwidth and the Compan=
y's efforts to create a trading market for bandwidth were not meeting with =
success as many of the market participants were not creditworthy; (ii) that=
the Company's operating results were materially overstated as result of th=
e Company failing to timely write-down the value of its investments with ce=
rtain limited partnerships which were managed by the Company's chief financ=
ial officer; and (iii) that Enron was failing to write-down impaired assets=
on a timely basis in accordance with GAAP. On October 16, 2001, Enron surp=
rised the market by announcing that the Company was taking non-recurring ch=
arges of $1.01 billion after-tax, or ($1.11) loss per diluted share, in the=
third quarter of 2001, the period ending September 30, 2001. Subsequently,=
Enron revealed that a material portion of the charge related to the unwind=
ing of investments with certain limited partnerships which were controlled =
by Enron's chief financial officer and that the Company would be eliminatin=
g more than $1 billion in shareholder equity as a result of its unwinding o=
f the investments. As this news began to be assimilated by the market, the =
price of Enron common stock dropped significantly. During the Class Period,=
Enron insiders disposed of over $73 million of their personally-held Enron=
common stock to unsuspecting investors.=20
If you bought the common stock of Enron between January 18, 2000 and Octobe=
r 17, 2001, you may, no later than December 21, 2001, request that the Cour=
t appoint you as lead plaintiff. A lead plaintiff is a representative party=
that acts on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. In=
order to be appointed lead plaintiff, the Court must determine that the cl=
ass member's claim is typical of the claims of other class members, and tha=
t the class member will adequately represent the class. Under certain circu=
mstances, one or more class members may together serve as "lead plaintiff."=
Your ability to share in any recovery is not, however, affected by the dec=
ision whether or not to serve as a lead plaintiff. You may retain Milberg W=
eiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP, or other counsel of your choice, to serve =
as your counsel in this action.=20
Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach LLP, a 190-lawyer firm with offices in=
New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boca Raton, Seattle =
and Philadelphia, is active in major litigations pending in federal and sta=
te courts throughout the United States. Milberg Weiss has taken a leading r=
ole in many important actions on behalf of defrauded investors, consumers, =
and companies, as well as victims of World War II and other human rights vi=
olations, and has been responsible for more than $30 billion in aggregate r=
ecoveries. The Milberg Weiss Web site (http://www.milberg.com) has more inf=
ormation about the firm.=20
If you wish to discuss this action with us, or have any questions concernin=
g this notice or your rights and interests with regard to the case, please =
contact the following attorneys:=20
Steven G. Schulman or Samuel H. Rudman One Pennsylvania Plaza, 49th fl. New=
York, NY, 10119-0165=20
Phone number: (800) 320-5081 Email: Enroncase@milbergNY.com Website: http:/=
William S. Lerach or Darren J. Robbins 600 West Broadway1800 One America Pl=
azaSan Diego, CA 92101-3356 Phone number: (800) 449-4900=20