Enron Mail

To:dan.lyons@enron.com, girish.kaimal@enron.com, michael.morris@enron.com,greg.trimble@enron.com, jeff.pena@enron.com, chris.herron@enron.com, john.taylor@enron.com, andrew.fastow@enron.com, david.marks@enron.com, jim.schwieger@enron.com
Subject:Priority Locker Selection-Men's
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:31:00 -0800 (PST)

In anticipation of re-opening, you have an opportunity to pre-select your new
locker location. All active Body Shop members who had a permanent locker at
the time of the September 1st construction close have been given first
consideration when selecting their new locker location before December 29th.
Priority will be given to member's original locker location (i.e. a member
who requests their original locker area will be given priority for that
space). After this date lockers will be distributed to members on the
waiting list and to member's with permanent lockers who request a different
space from their original locker area. For your convenience, a Body Shop
enrolment and locker request table will be in the lobby from December 18th
through January 5th between the hours of 11am - 1:30pm.

Follow these simple steps to secure your locker location:
Open and review the attached Men's Locker Design template.
Select your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice location preference.
Complete the Locker Selection Request Form.
Complete and Sign the Locker Payroll Deduction Form.
Return all completed forms before December 29th to the Body Shop at EB1355,
drop off at our offices on EB1372 or at the Body Shop Table in the lobby from
December 18th through January 5th between the hours of 11am - 1:30pm.

You will receive an e-mail notifying you of your new locker location and
locker combination prior to re-opening. If you have any questions, please
contact the Body Shop Front Desk at x35547.