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For those of you interested in All Star selections or coaching and even Post Season play take a moment to review the attached email. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks . < Please immediately forward the note below to the head coach of each team < in your respective division. Please copy me. < < Pre-High, Pony & Bronco Maroon, Pony and Bronco Co-Op, and Triple A are < eligible to participate in both Pony and USSSA Post Season Tournament < play. Teams from the Pony and Bronco Gray divisions are eligible to < participate in the USSSA Double A Tournaments. < < < < < Gentlemen: < < With our season winding down, I wanted all to be aware of the various < post-season baseball opportunities. Below is a description of the < opportunities that players, coaches and parents should consider. This < description was taken, and supplemented, from our web site < (http://www.cy-fairsports.com/ ; then go to the baseball home page; then < "CFSA Post Season" under the IMPORTANT DATES SECTION). Please review the < information below. < If you are interested in coaching an All-Star team you need to submit an < Application which is available on our web site. Complete the application < and provide it to your Division Commissioner. Once we have coaches that < are committed to coach a team, tryouts, if necessary, for the All-Star < Team will be held. < < < < < CY-FAIR < < SPORTS ASSOCIATION < <<...OLE_Obj...<< < SPRING 2001 POST SEASON < < Cy-Fair Sports Association is affiliated with two sanctioning < organizations for the 2001 Spring Baseball Season. Our affiliation with < Pony Baseball has been longstanding and affords the most competitive < players in all age groups a chance to participate in post season < tournaments. < Our new affiliation with USSSA also offers post season play with a tiered < format, and to some extent eliminates the various stages of competition < required by Pony Baseball. < The following is a brief description of the post season opportunities that < all participants in CFSA Baseball may enjoy: < POST SEASON PONY BASEBALL < * Divisions/Teams/Players that CFSA registered with Pony and that are < eligible to participate < Bronco Maroon Division < CFSA Bronco Co-Op Teams < Triple A 12 & 11 year old Division < Pony Maroon Division < CFSA Pony Co-Op Teams < Pre-High Division < * All-Star teams selected from league players using CFSA guidelines < * Maroon, Co-Op, and Triple A Teams were registered by CFSA and < eligible < * Graduated advancement to higher levels of competition; District, < Section, Regional, State, Zone, Nationals on a weekly basis (Similar to < Little League) < * One entry fee covers all events your team advances to < * Typically only one or two teams form per division < * Tournament Divisions: < * Bronco 11 (Local -2 level Tournament) < * Bronco 11 & 12 (National Tournament) < * Pony 13 (Statewide) < * Pony 13 & 14 (National) < Teams my play in tact with their roster or may form an All-Star Team. < Applications for All-Star coaching positions are available on our web < site. Complete the application and provide it to the Upper Division < Baseball Commissioner. < CFSA Triple A and Sunday Co-op Teams are automatically qualified for Pony < tournaments. These teams must submit a roster by 2/24/01 that will remain < frozen (for Pony purposes) until all division All-Star teams have been < chosen. These teams may also play in the division Round Robin, but will < not participate for seeding, nor are their players at risk in the draft. < These teams must notify their Division Commissioners if they want to play < in the Round Robin. < Any situation not specifically addressed in the rules above may be ruled < on by the Baseball Committee, whose decision will be final. < < < USSSA BASEBALL < * Teams chosen with limited CFSA input < * Single Age Divisions < * Tiered competition: < * Double A - regular formed school teams < * Triple A - Co-op quality teams < * Pre-set tournament dates (Qualifiers, State, World Series) < * Multiple entry fees < * CFSA will register 8 teams in each age group 9-13 (Double A + Triple < A) < < POST SEASON USSSA BASEBALL < This affiliation is offered so that every CFSA player (Age 9-16) might < have an opportunity to play post season events. This association is < primarily recognized as a tournament venue, and offers 3 distinct tiers of < competition ( CFSA participates in 2; Double & Triple A). < USSSA is different from Pony in that it provides tournaments during the < season for teams to qualify for its World Series. Following are the < methods a team can qualify. < Win a World Series qualifying tournament (Typically there are 2 of these < events during the spring season) < Finish in the top 4 of the South Zone State tournament (Teams once < qualified do not re-qualify, so more than 4 teams from the South Zone may < advance to the World Series) < CFSA/USSSA Post Season < * Double A: This level of competition is for teams who participate in < the CFSA league and who are not on a Triple A League team. A player may be < on a Sunday Co-op team and still be eligible to play on a Double A < tournament team. USSSA will allow 1 berth to the State tournament for < every 6 teams in a division. CFSA will award these berths to the top teams < from the CFSA Playoffs. (Upper Bracket only). < * Triple A; This level of competition is for teams that participate in < the CFSA Triple A league, or the Sunday Co-op league. USSSA will allow 1 < berth to the State tournament for each 4-6 teams in a division. CFSA will < award these berths to the winner of the post season playoff. < Once a team qualifies the roster is considered frozen, and players who < wish to continue may not be cut from the team. USSSA recognizes that teams < may lose players who choose not to continue playing and will allow teams < to replace any lost player plus add an additional 3 players from any team < within that CFSA league. Teams that do not get a CFSA sanctioned berth are < still able to play in the USSSA tournaments, however they must register < their own team. < < < Louis Martinez 281-897-8639 281-927-1339