Enron Mail

Subject:Bammel Storage Facility
Date:Thu, 22 Mar 2001 18:09:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT on 03/22/2001 03:09 PM ---------------------------

Jim Schwieger
01/02/2001 11:22 AM
To: MoniqueM@PennWell.com
Subject: Bammel Storage Facility

Dear Monique,

The gas processing plant has been shut down for many years and is in fact dismantled. I would leave off any mention.
There is an active compressor station in fact it was converted to electric from gas in 1999.
There is still an active underground storage facility. Capabilities have improved from what you have to the following:
Storage Capacity: 70 BCF to 115 BCF
Maximum Injection Capacity: 510,000 Mcf/d
Maximum Withdrawal Capacity: 1,400,000 Mcf/d
Call 713-853-7705 if you have questions.

Jim Schwieger
---------------------- Forwarded by Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT on 01/02/2001 11:11 AM ---------------------------

Monique Monson <MoniqueM@PennWell.com< on 01/02/2001 09:21:51 AM
To: "'jschwie@ect.enron.com'" <jschwie@ect.enron.com<
Subject: Bammel Storage Facility

Dear Jim,

We are updating our records on your facilities and would like you to verify some information.
We show a gas processing plant that is shut down.
We show an active compressor station.
We show an active underground storage facility.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Monique Monson
Research Assistant
P.O. Box 5237
Durango, Colorado 81301

800-823-6277 x 20