Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Apology
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:19:40 -0700 (PDT)

I really wish you would not feel that way or make an apology. I do not consider what you expressed Friday night was anything other than honesty and true emotion and I would like to feel comfortable expressing those same feelings to you! I trust you and respect your opinion to great extent because of the above. If I can help its yours!

Smile and take a deep breath!
I believe their is a reason for everything!
Let me know if their is anything you want me to express at the "All Employee Mtg"


-----Original Message-----
From: Brawner, Sandra F.
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 12:38 PM
To: Herndon, Rogers; Schwieger, Jim; Martin, Thomas A.; Arnold, John
Cc: Brawner, Sandra F.
Subject: Apology

Where do I begin? I guess I could start with several excuses or reasons to justify my behavior on Friday, but the truth is there aren't any. I only am left with total humiliation and embarrassment for my actions, words, and behavior. Please accept my sincere apology.
