Enron Mail

Subject:Friday Night Plans
Date:Tue, 3 Apr 2001 15:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi There!

Here's the scoop on Friday night. I have attached the "e mail" I received in case you are wondering what's going on. I reserve the right to blow it all off and go to dinner or whatever we feel like, OK!

It was great up at Lake Conroe this last weekend. Weather was perfect. It was even warm enough to go out on the wave runners. This weekend should be even better!

I might go to Las Vegas tonight . A friend was served with divorce papers today and is not doing real well and wants to go for 24 hours. We would have to be back Wednesday night since he has to be over in Louisiana Thursday. If I go what number do you want me to bet for you on roulette? I would have said 38 but that's to high a number, (JUST KIDDING) Your laughing , right! Its not really a great time since I have such a large position, but Its something I need to do. I would appreciate it if you did not say anything about Las Vegas here at work since Im not sure how much Im going to tell everyone.

Im looking forward to Friday night!
Don't forget your number for roulette.


---------------------- Forwarded by Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT on 04/03/2001 11:38 AM ---------------------------

"Boyd, Bruce" <Bruce_Boyd@kindermorgan.com< on 03/21/2001 10:48:16 AM
To: "'jim_schwieger@enron.com'" <jim_schwieger@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Invitation to April 6th Customer Appreciation Party

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Boyd, Bruce
< Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:11 AM
< To: 'jim_schweiger@enron.com'; 'cannon2@flash.net'
< Subject: Invitation to April 6th Customer Appreciation Party
< Jim and Patrick:
< Kevin P. and I cordially invite you and your significant other to our party on April
< 6. Hope ya'll can make it.
< <<Invitation.ppt<< <<Heights Firestation Map.ppt<<

- Invitation.ppt
- Heights Firestation Map.ppt