Enron Mail

Subject:RE: MMBtu Enhancement
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 07:53:02 -0800 (PST)


Assuming you can get comfortable with a percentage MMBtu enhancement from s=
omeone like Garry Wilson (the only one I would trust) I would suggest a met=
hod that would reflect more than the spread. The way I look at this is tha=
t the liquids that are picked up in the gas stream as you withdraw from sto=
rage is an unaccounted for gain. As such, if the MMBtu enhancement percent=
age was 1% I would use a withdrawal volume of 101% of the injection volume.=
We have to realize that in order to recognize this in the real world, the=
Accounting Group would have to implement Accounting procedures that would =
try to capture this value also. Because under normal Accounting procedures=
for storage, barring completely emptying the facility of gas before refill=
ing, this gain would merely remain in the ground with the remaining invento=
ry. Accounting would have to recognize the difference between the MMBtu fa=
ctor on the gas withdrawn and the average MMBtu factor of the gas injected =
as a gain. We still need to live within the physical capacity constraints =
This method more appropriately represents what you are gaining but increase=
s your risk if the MMBtu enhancement percentage you use is too high! I wou=
ld appreciate being kept informed of what MMBtu enhancement percentage is u=
sed and how it is put in the model.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cramer, Chris =20
Sent:=09Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:07 AM
To:=09Schwieger, Jim
Cc:=09Boyt, Eric
Subject:=09MMBtu Enhancement

Hi Jim,=20

I'm still working on the modelling of the Kathleen Ann storage and one of t=
he issues I need to account for is mmbtu enhancement. How would you suggest=
I account for this? Currently, to get the the intrinsic storage value, I t=
ake the max working gas capacity times the may/jun - dec spread over the cu=
rve. One idea is to just take the incremental mmbtus times the spread as we=
ll -- although this wouldn't account for the physical capacity contraints, =
it would put a value on the enhancement.

