Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 18 Sep 2000 09:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 09/18/2000 03:24
PM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: Ashleastu@aol.com 09/17/2000 04:19 PM

To: sarah_c_buck@hotmail.com, jennyreese@hotmail.com,
rebeccacooke@hotmail.com, carey_elizabeth@yahoo.com, jkbowles@hotmail.com,
Susan.M.Scott@enron.com, ashley.craddock@ac.com, Lisa.A.Meador@chase.com,
Subject: Fwd

< Sometime in between moving into
< the dorm,
< And begging for an ID,
< Somewhere in the middle of an 8
< o'clock class,
< And watching Friends on our 8 inch
< TV.
< Sometime after the night you
< forgot,
< With the guy you don't remember.
< Maybe before the five tests in
< three days,
< Or the party every night in
< September.
< Sometime in the car on the way to
< Daytona,
< For the road-trip of the year.
< After class gets out with that gay
< TA,
< After you finish the last warm
< beer.
< Shortly after you figured out,
< This newfangled 'e-mail' thing.
< And after you stopped dreaming
< about,
< The fun a 21 ID would bring.
< Maybe the morning after you pulled
< the all-nighter,
< But finally got the paper done,
< Or maybe when you can't remember,
< The last Sunday night you had fun.
< Somewhere between the day you met
< your dorm roommate,
< And you were sure you got one of
< the duds,
< And the day 4 years later when
< she's still your roommate,
< And she's one of your best buds.
< Definitely after you realized how
< lucky you are,
< To have such a great group of
< friends,
< And after you get that sick
< feeling in you stomach,
< Wondering what will happen when it
< ends.
< Maybe on the beach for spring
< break,
< Hot sun, tan bodies, cold beer.
< Maybe after you started looking
< for a job,
< And your happy world turned to
< fear.
< Soon after you discovered there's
< just not enough time,
< To do everything you should.
< But not before you realized
< Thanksgiving dinner,
< Never tasted so good.
< Sometime after the day your
< parents came to visit,
< So you were forced to make your
< bed.
< Or the morning after a tough night
< at the bars,
< And you can't believe the things
< you said.
< Sometime after you enjoy the
< beautiful weather,
< Though it means missing a class.
< <Probably after laughing on
< Homecoming weekend,
< Watching old alumni drunk off
< their collective ass.
< Somewhere between day one and year
< four,
< The best years of your life were
< spent.
< And looking back with a smile and
< a sigh,
< You wonder where those years went.
< You try to figure out who made you
< a victim,
< Of the most serious crime,
< You offer a reward for any
< information leading,
< To the one who stole the time.
< The day is coming closer, and
< closer,
< Until one day it will be your
< last,
< And someone is guilty of doing
< this to you,
< The years have gone way too fast.
< Sometime when you were too busy to
< notice,
< Happy as a newborn pup,
< Someone came along and did the
< unthinkable.
< Somebody grew us up.
< <
< ______________________________________________________
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