Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2000 04:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hey Julie,

I just got back from London Tuesday and am now almost fully recovered from
the jet lag. I had an absolutely incredible time while I was over there and
was even able to go into the Enron office for a while. One of the guys I
knew here in Houston even set up an impromptu interview for me while I was
there so I think my working over there may be a very real possibility. Since
I'd already done a lot of the touristy things the last time I was in London
Emily and I pretty much just hung out. We went out to eat Friday night and
then to a club ( I think we got home around 4 am after indulging in some fish
and chips). Saturday and Sunday we mostly just wondered around the city to
various shops and markets and went out to various lunch and dinner venues.
Finally, on Monday I went in to the office while Em was at school and then
had a fairly big last night in town with some friends of Emily's. Hope
everything's been going well with you and that the move into your new place
was a success. I'll keep checking for great fares out to SD...I'd love to
meet your roommate and all of your other friends I feel as though I know now.


PS - I think you're right about the California men. I am currently in
contact with about three of them and they all have issues. Although, I still
think Ted takes the cake.