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FYI - Europe spends an average of $4-9 per person on
the arts compared with the US at .64 and declining. < < On NPR's Morning Edition, Nina Totenberg reported < that < if the < < < Supreme Court supports Congress to cut the budget < of < the National < < < Endowment of the Arts, it is in effect the end of < NEA. This situation < < < creates < < < great concerns about Congressional funding for < creative arts in < America, < < < since < < < NEA provides major support for NPR (National < Public < Radio), PBS < (Public < < < Broadcasting System), and numerous other creative < and performing < arts. < < If < < < NEA is lost or weakened, our lives will be < similarly < diminished. < < < < < < In spite of the efforts of each station to reduce < spending costs and < < < streamline their services, some government < officials < believe that < < < the funding currently going to these programs is < too < large a portion < of < < < funding for something which is seen as not < worthwhile. < < < < < < Currently, taxes from the general public for PBS < equal $1.12 per < person < < < per year, and the National Endowment for the Arts < equals $.64 a year. < < < A January 1995 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll indicated < that 76% of < < < Americans wish to keep funding for PBS, third only < to national < defense < < and < < < law enforcement as the most valuable programs for < federal funding. < < < < < < Each year, the Senate and House Appropriations < Committees each have < 13 < < < subcommittees with jurisdiction over many programs < and agencies. < < < Each subcommittee passes its own appropriation < bill. < The goal each < year < < is < < < to have each bill signed by the beginning of the < fiscal year, which < is < < < October 1. < < < < < < The only way that our representatives can be aware < of the base of < support < < < for PBS and funding for these types of programs is < by our making our < < < voices heard. < < < < < < Please add your name to this list and forward it < to < friends who < < < believe in favor of what this stands for. < < < < < < The full list will be forwarded to the President < of < the United < States, < < < the Vice President, and the Speaker of the House, < whose office has in < < < the past been the instigator of the action to cut < funding to these < < < worthwhile programs. < < < < < < This petition is being passed around the Internet. < < Please add your < name < < < to it so that funding can be maintained for the < NEA, < NPR, and PBS. < < < < < < THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO MAKE INTERNET TECHNOLOGY < WORK < AS A VOICE IN OUR < < < DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM. IT'S EASIER THAN EVER TO MAKE < OUR VOICES HEARD. < < < < < < Please keep the petition rolling. Do not reply to < me. < < < < < < Sign your name and locale to the list and forward < it < to others to < sign. < < < If you prefer not to sign, please send the list to < the email address < < < given below. This is being forwarded to numerous < people at once to < add < < < their names to the petition. It won't matter if < many < people receive < < < the same list, as the names are being managed. < This < is for anyone < who < < < thinks NPR and PBS deserve $1.12/year of their < taxes. < < < < < < If you sign, please forward the list to others. < If < not, please don't < < kill < < < it. < < < < < < **** If you happen to be the 150th, 200th, 250th, < etc., signer of < this < < < petition, please forward a copy to: < wein2688@blue.univnorthco.edu < This < < < way we can keep track of the lists and organize < them. Forward this < to < < < everyone you know, and help us to keep these < programs alive. < < < < < < Thank you !!! < < < NOTE: It is preferable that you SELECT the < entirety < of this letter < and < < < then COPY it into a NEW outgoing message, rather < than simply < forwarding < < < it. In your new outgoing message, add your name < to < the bottom of the < < < list, then send it on. Or, if the option is < available, do a SEND < AGAIN. < < < < < < 1. David Liberman, Sylva, NC < < < 2. Marie Harrison, Sylva, NC < < < 3. Randi Beckmann, Ithaca, NY < < < 4. Bill Wertheim, Mt. Vernon, NY < < < 5. Marlene Wertheim, Mt. Vernon, NY < < < 6. George Wertheim, San Francisco, CA. < < < 7. Linda Wertheim, San Francisco, CA < < < 8. Linda R. Semi, Walnut Creek, CA < < < 9. Margaret C. Forness, Pleasant Hill, CA < < < 10. Phillip D. Rubenstein, Syracuse, NY < < < 11. Timothy J. Connell, Madison, WI < < < 12. Stacia E. Jesner, Mt. Kisco, NY < < < 13. Jenna Schnuer, NYC, NY < < < 14. Julia Kohn, NY, NY < < < 15. Maria Sarro, NY, NY < < < 16. Evan Schwartz, Cliffside Park, NJ < < < 17. Pat Waters, Lakewood, CO < < < 19. Karen Tilton, Maquoketa, IA < < < 20. Kent Crawford < < < 21. Terry Dillon < < < 22. Gene Bechen, Coralville, IA < < < 23. Neal Schnoor, Kearney, NE < < < 24. Sam Zitek, Crete, NE < < < 25. Jay Kloecker < < < 26. Marilyn Godby, Papillion, NE < < < 27. Lucina Johnson < < < 28. Alfred Tom Johnson < < < 29. Tyler Corey Johnson < < < 30. A. Corey Limbach < < < 31. Paula Smith, Berkeley, CA < < < 32. Pat Quinn, Alameda, CA < < < 33. Andrea Quinn, Alameda, CA < < < 34. Jerry Hackett, Berkeley, CA < < < 35. Richard Hackett, NY < < < 36. Jeffrey Green, CA < < < 37. Phil Chernin, CA < < < 38. Sandra S. Bauer, CA < < < 39. Gregory LeVasseur, San Francisco, CA < < < 40. Keiko LeVasseur, San Francisco, CA < < < 41. Diego Gonzalez, San Francisco, CA < < < 42. David D. Berkowitz, Washington, DC < < < 43. Peter Glass, Bellevue, WA < < < 44. Mary Frances Rimpini, Kent, WA < < < 45. Mary Frances Stevens, Kirkland, WA < < < 46. Linda Grebmeier, Benicia, CA < < < 47. Lee Altman, Benicia, CA < < < 48. Jeffrey Gray, South Orange, NJ < < < 49. Ed Jones, Orange, NJ < < < 50. Daniel P. Jones, Glenside, PA < < < 51. Jenifer Goetz, State College, PA < < < 52. Arnold R. Post, Carrboro, NC < < < 53. Anna E. Post, Carrboro, NC < < < 54. Robert A. Post, Cape May, NJ < < < 55. Evelyn M. Post, Cape May, NJ < < < 56. Jay A. Sklaroff, Philadelphia, PA < < < 57. Harry M. Sklaroff, Washington, DC < < < 58. Susan E. Salmons, Washington, DC < < < 59. Dori Langevin, Silver Spring, MD < < < 60. Ted Langevin, Silver Spring, MD < < < 61. David Mercier, Easton, MD < < < 62. Phoebe Harding, Baltimore, MD < < < 63. Molly Rath, Baltimore, MD < < < 64. Terry O'Hara, Baltimore, MD < < < 65. Nina Wendt, Baltimore, MD < < < 66. Marilyn Clark, Baltimore, MD < < < 67. Cathy McKinney, Boone, NC < < < 68. Harold McKinney, Boone, NC < < < 69. Milena Garcia, Columbia, MD < < < 70. Timothy Morrison, Devore, CA < < < 71. Virginia S. Kallay Cleveland, OH < < < 72. Nancy Cleaveland, Atlanta, GA < < < 73. Cindy Lutenbacher, Decatur, GA < < < 74. Kaye Norton, Columbus, OH < < < 75. Elaine Haidt, Chapel Hill, NC < < < 76. Harold Haidt, Chapel Hill, NC < < < 76. Frank Church, Chapel Hill, NC < < < 77. Astrid R. Jarzembowski, Garrison, NY < < < 78. Ted Wischhusen, Mesa, AZ < < < 79. Hugh Wischhusen, Tucson, AZ < < < 80. Theo Wischhusen, North Brunswick, NJ < < < 81. Ian Swanson, Bakersfield, CA < < < 82. Beigher Taylor, Bakersfield, CA < < < 83. Donald McClure, San Diego, CA < < < 84. Kimberly Ver Steeg, New York, NY < < < 85. Lynda Akerman, Long Island City, NY < < < 86.Theresa < < < 87 Donnell Moseley < < < 88. Louise Sanchione, Scottsdale, AZ < < < 89. Ryan Krch, Phoenix, AZ < < < 90. Dayna Kowata Robinson, Mesa, AZ < < < 91. Nancy Lust < < < 92. Holly Thorsen < < < 93 (Rtrd St Senator) Donn Charnley, Shoreline, WA < < < 94. Mary F. Fox, Shoreline, WA < < < 95. Brenda Devereux-Graminski, Shoreline, WA < < < 96. Jerry Graminski, Shoreline, WA < < < 97. Karen Johnson, Redmond, WA < < < 98. Francine Staczek, Seattle, WA < < < 99. David Staczek, Seattle, WA < < < 100. Maya Lucchitta, Seattle, WA < < < 101. Markus Doerry, Anchorage, AK < < < 102. Janae Wallace, Salt Lake City, UT < < < 103. Karen De Rose Salt Lake City, UT. < < < 104. Hilary Garrett Vancouver, WA < < < 105. Mike Rivera, Taos, NM < < < 106. Jaquelin LoydTaos,NM < < < 107. Allegra Huston, Taos NM < < 108. Trey Speegle, Brooklyn, NY < < 109. Roswell Hamrick, New York City, NY < 110. Peter Frank, New York City < 111. Stephen Magner, Washington DC < 112. Ilse Lemke, Corte Madera, CA < 113. Anna Kauffman, San Francisco, CA < 114. Kelly Irby 115. Amelia Stephan, San Francisco, CA <116. Nicholas Stephan, Houston, TX <117. Susan Scott, Houston, TX