Enron Mail

Subject:RE: PNR questions
Date:Tue, 17 Apr 2001 14:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

I believe this was intended for the other Susan Scott...I'm with Nat Gas tr=


From:=09Ramona Betancourt/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/17/2001 11:15 AM
To:=09Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Gerry Medeles/ENRON@enronXgate, Terr=
y Kowalke/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc:=09Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan M S=
cott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sue Neville/ENRON@enronXgate, TK Lohman/ENRON@enronxgate=
Subject:=09RE: PNR questions


I see in your emails below that you are indicating that the allocation proc=
ess does not comply with the tariff. The allocation process I do not think =
is the problem. It is the way the rates are used today for PNR. Today, the =
only rates I think that are loaded in CBS are the posted rates and the tari=
ff rates. If you want the rate to carry through at the contract level for t=
he range of dates of the specific deal, then the rates must be loaded that =
way in CBS for each PNR deal that is granted prior to the timely allocation=
process. If the allocation does not find a contract specific rate, then it=
looks for the next level which is your posted rates, if no posted rates ar=
e found, then it looks for tariff rates on PNR. It sounds like to me that T=
W will need to implement specific deal sheets and calculate the specific ra=
tes for each deal sheet on a daily basis & load the total specific contract=
deal rate in CBS. Please let me know if there are other problems in the a=
llocation process itself.

Thanks Ramona
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Bodnar, Michael =20
Sent:=09Monday, April 16, 2001 2:28 PM
To:=09Betancourt, Ramona ; Medeles, Gerry; Kowalke, Terry
Cc:=09Nacey, Sheila; Blair, Lynn
Subject:=09RE: PNR questions

Regarding my meeting invitation..............I hope this helps.

I've had a series of e-mails with Marketing, Legal and Regulatory regarding=
TW PNR in an effort to finalize the process and procedures. As a result, I=
've learned that TW's allocation process does not comply with the tariff. (=
See below) Marketing wants to continue with current practices, but changes =
are required for the allocation process.=20

----------------- Forwarded by Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron on 04/16/2001 01:3=
3 PM ---------------------------
From:=09Sue Neville/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/10/2001 03:57 PM
To:=09Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Hyatt/ENRON@enronxgate
cc:=09Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Gerry Med=
eles/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ENRON@enronXgate=20

Subject:=09RE: PNR questions


I recommend that we continue to use the current practices we are using now =
of charging the PNR rate posted on the day service begins. I also recommen=
d that we continue our current practice of using the nomination process an=
d posted rates for PNR service. In the future, we may choose to change th=
ose practices to one of the methods you recommended below. It is helpful t=
o know that that would require system changes and new language on the posti=
ngs to accommodate any new change of that sort. =20

Thanks for your help on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Bodnar, Michael =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, April 04, 2001 2:13 PM
To:=09Neville, Sue; Hyatt, Kevin
Cc:=09Blair, Lynn; Nacey, Sheila; Medeles, Gerry; Scott, Susan
Subject:=09PNR questions

Sue & Kevin,

I need some help from you..............
Based on the response from Susan Scott and Glen Hass (below),=20

Should TW continue the practice of charging the PNR rate posted on the day =
service begins or charge the rate posted daily? (Using the latter, TW's pos=
ted rates would include the text Susan provides below)
Should TW continue to use the nomination process and posted rates for PNR s=
ervice or revert back to entering into individual purchase orders for each =
The individual purchase orders are not as convenient , but they provide bet=
ter clarity between the parties.

TW's allocation program uses the posted and/or deal rates entered into CBS =
when capacity is allocated. It does not calculate ..."the greatest total c=
ost commitment". System modifications are needed to determine which shipper=
has the greatest cost commitment. =20

---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron on 04/04/2001=
10:17 AM ---------------------------
From:=09Susan Scott/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/08/2001 03:52 PM
To:=09Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc:=09Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sue Neville/=

Subject:=09PNR questions

You asked:

=091. For a customer keeping a PNR balance for several days, is it accepta=
ble to charge whatever is the posted rate for each of those days, or should=
TW charge the rate in effect on the first day of the balance?

=09Answer: The tariff doesn't say. I believe this is a business decision.=
Would we rather charge the same rate every day, or are both parties OK wi=
th taking the risk that it will go up or down from day to day? My understa=
nding is that we presently charge the same rate that was in effect on the s=
ame day. I also understand that, rather than documenting the rate in a con=
tract or other writing, we rely on our posting. If we change our practice =
and start charging the posted rate applicable to each rate, I recommend at =
a minimum that we notify our customers in a posting. From a legal standpoi=
nt I also have to recommend that the rate be documented in a deal sheet, e-=
mail or other writing. While we may be indifferent (after all, Form M says=
the max rate applies in absence of an agreement to the contrary), document=
ation of the actual rate could save us hassle if a conflict arises.

=09Another thing: There is nothing to keep us from charging some shippers =
the posted rate on the first day for the entire term of the balance, and ot=
her shippers the posted rate from day to day. However, there can be no dis=
crepancy among similarly situated shippers. To avoid the appearance of dis=
crimination, I'd recommend choosing one method or the other, if that is fea=
sible from a business standpoint. =20

=09Assuming you are going to use the day to day approach for all shippers, =
here are my recommendations:

=09My recommended language to include on the rate posting webpage would be =
awkward to you let's discuss a better way to say it.)

=09I recognize PNR deals happen within minutes. However, if it is possible=
to do an e-mail or fax, it could read: The rate applicable to Contract No=
. ______ on each day that quantities are parked or ridden shall be the rate=
posted on Transwestern's website for that day. Another option might be ju=
st to include this language as an attachment to the master agreement; it wo=
uld not have to be done for each deal.

2. If we have the following situation: Shipper A has parked 10,000 dth fo=
r a week and wants to move it out; Shipper B wants to ride 10,000 dth; we c=
an only accommodate schedule activity totaling 10,000 dth -- who gets prior=

=09Answer: Shipper A should have priority because it has the greatest tota=
l cost commitment to TW in accordance with Sheet 37E of the tariff.