Enron Mail

Subject:Re: ILL Question on Electricity Agent
Date:Thu, 19 Apr 2001 12:50:00 -0700 (PDT)


From: Christi L Nicolay 04/19/2001 09:33 AM

To: Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Clynes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Doug Sewell/Enron@EnronXGate
Subject: ILL Question on Electricity Agent

---------------------- Forwarded by Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001 09:31 AM ---------------------------

From: Christi L Nicolay 04/18/2001 04:51 PM

To: Laura Luce/Corp/Enron@Enron, Edward D Baughman/Enron@EnronXGate
cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Gloria Ogenyi/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Janine Migden/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: ILL Question on Electricity Agent

Laura and Ed--
Attached are EES comments on the Illinois Commerce Commission inquiry into the possibility of establishing some additional requirements on retail suppliers that serve both residential and industrial customers (EPMI and EES are both ARES). I think the comments are fine and promote a market based approach that focuses on real customer protection issues. Gloria will keep you both informed of further developments by the ICC.
---------------------- Forwarded by Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT on 04/18/2001 04:40 PM ---------------------------

James D Steffes@ENRON
04/12/2001 08:35 PM

Subject: ILL Question on Electricity Agent

Christi --

Do you think this would cover EPMI's interests? What about Peoples deal?


---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 04/12/2001 08:34 PM ---------------------------

04/06/2001 03:58 PM
To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Agents

The Illinois Commerce Commission has initiated an inquiry into the activities of agents in the Illinois electric market with a view to organizing follow up workshops or rulemakings to regulate some aspects of agency activities. Their definition of agent includes power marketers, aggregators and resellers. I have filed Enron comments in this proceeding, which as the below e-mail suggests may set the tone of the proceedings. I am forwarding this to you to ascertain if there is ENA interest in monitoring this proceedings, and who will be the appropriate ENA party to update. I attach herewith, a copy of the comments.

---------------------- Forwarded by Gloria Ogenyi/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 04/06/2001 03:45 PM ---------------------------

"Fein, David I. - CHI" <david.fein@piperrudnick.com< on 04/04/2001 09:23:39 PM
To: "'Gloria.Ogenyi@enron.com'" <Gloria.Ogenyi@enron.com<, "'jmigden@enron.com'" <jmigden@enron.com<, "'Barbara.A.Hueter@enron.com'" <Barbara.A.Hueter@enron.com<, "'Susan_M_Landwehr@enron.com'" <Susan_M_Landwehr@enron.com<, "'rboston@enron.com'" <rboston@enron.com<
cc: "Townsend, Christopher J. - CHI" <chris.townsend@piperrudnick.com<

Subject: Agents

We thought that you would all appreciate receiving Eric Schlaf's positive
and complimentary response regarding the Comments that Enron submitted this
afternoon regarding the Commission Staff's agency questions.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to
contact us.

David I. Fein
Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
203 N. LaSalle Street
Suite 1800
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(W) 312-368-3462
(F) 312-630-7418
e-mail: david.fein@piperrudnick.com


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Schlaf, Eric [SMTP:eschlaf@icc.state.il.us]
< Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:51 PM
< To: @ Fein, David
< Subject: RE: Agents
< David,
< Thanks for the comments, and for the suggestions. It's fair to say we
< didn't
< receive too many concrete suggestions other than Enron's.
< Eric
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Fein, David I. - CHI [mailto:david.fein@piperrudnick.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:42 PM
< To: 'Schlaf, Eric'; @ Flygt, Flora; 'marcnielsen@alliant-energy.com';
< 'petershatrawka@alliant-energy.com'; @ Mill, Robert;
< 'danny_b_danahy@ameren.com'; 'david_c_linton@ameren.com';
< 'jmason@ameren.com'; 'jon_carls@ameren.com'; 'khock@ameren.com';
< 'laurie_karman@ameren.com'; 'Helen_L._Liebman@jonesday.com';
< 'cdufner@aol.com'; @ Warren, Lawrence; @ Kaminski, Mark; @ Fabrizius,
< Darcy; @ Voeck, Julie; @ Shea, Nick; 'rlturner@cilco.com';
< 'vaeschleman@cilco.com'; 'camiller@cilco.com'; 'hmunson@cilco.com'; @
< Pramaggiore, Anne; 'anne.mcglynn@exeloncorp.com'; @ Ratnaswamy, John;
< 'dennis.kelter@exeloncorp.com'; 'gregory.campbell@exeloncorp.com';
< 'william.mueller@exeloncorp.com'; 'kathleen.leitzell@exeloncorp.com';
< 'lawrence.alongi@exeloncorp.com'; 'paul.crumrine@exeloncorp.com';
< 'sally.clair@exeloncorp.com'; 'sharon.grove@exeloncorp.com'; @ Rippie,
< Glenn; 'rkelter@cuboard.org'; 'jlucas@cuboard.org'; @ Rosenblum, Daniel;
< @ Neilan, Paul; Foster, Pat; Lazare, Peter; Zuraski, Richard; Berning,
< Carolyn; Howard, Joan; Clennon, Joseph; Hendrickson, John; McDonald,
< Terrie; Borden, David; @ Stephens, B; @ Fitzhenry, Edward;
< 'Beth_O'Donnell@illinoispower.com'; 'Cheryl_Smith@illinoispower.com';
< 'Debbie_Furman@illinoispower.com'; 'denise_berolatti@illinoispower.com';
< 'greg_gudeman@illinoispower.com'; @ Voiles, Jackie;
< 'Joseph_Lakshmanan@Illinoispower.com'; 'Kay_Tapscott@illinoispower.com';
< 'Randy_Clemens@illinova.com'; Fein, David I. - CHI; @ Jared, Robert;
< 'cbrea@midamerican.com'; @ Czachura, Naomi; @ Kutsunis, Debra;
< 'kkkoster@midamerican.com'; 'maacord@midamerican.com'; @ Trevor, Mike;
< 'danlong12@aol.com'; @ Bramlet, Eric; @ Hextell, Julie; @ Bailey, Koby;
< @ Ito, Wendy; 'bwelch@peoplesenergy.net'; @ Fox, Gerard; @ Walsh,
< Timothy; 'nwuttke@peoplesenergy.net'; 'david.braun@exeloncorp.com';
< 'robert.ricobene@exeloncorp.com'; 'susan.bryant@exeloncorp.com';
< 'thomas.russell@exeloncorp.com'; 'Dave.Dittemore@Williams.com';
< 'rstillson@cilco.com'
< Cc: 'Gloria.Ogenyi@enron.com'; Townsend, Christopher J. - CHI
< Subject: Agents
< Eric --
< Attached are the Comments of Enron Energy Services, Inc. in Response to
< the
< Agency Questions of the Commission Staff.
< As always, if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate
< to
< contact us to discuss. Thanks.
< <<3bxy704_.DOC<<
< David I. Fein
< 203 North LaSalle Street
< Suite 1800
< Chicago, Illinois 60601
< 312-368-3462
< (Fax) 312-630-7418
< david.fein@piperrudnick.com
< < -----Original Message-----
< < From: Schlaf, Eric [SMTP:eschlaf@icc.state.il.us]
< < Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 2:52 PM
< < To: @ Flygt, Flora; 'marcnielsen@alliant-energy.com';
< < 'petershatrawka@alliant-energy.com'; @ Mill, Robert;
< < 'danny_b_danahy@ameren.com'; 'david_c_linton@ameren.com';
< < 'jmason@ameren.com'; 'jon_carls@ameren.com'; 'khock@ameren.com';
< < 'laurie_karman@ameren.com'; 'Helen_L._Liebman@jonesday.com';
< < 'cdufner@aol.com'; @ Warren, Lawrence; @ Kaminski, Mark; @ Fabrizius,
< < Darcy; @ Voeck, Julie; @ Shea, Nick; 'rlturner@cilco.com';
< < 'vaeschleman@cilco.com'; 'camiller@cilco.com'; 'hmunson@cilco.com'; @
< < Pramaggiore, Anne; 'anne.mcglynn@exeloncorp.com'; @ Ratnaswamy, John;
< < 'dennis.kelter@exeloncorp.com'; 'gregory.campbell@exeloncorp.com';
< < 'william.mueller@exeloncorp.com'; 'kathleen.leitzell@exeloncorp.com';
< < 'lawrence.alongi@exeloncorp.com'; 'paul.crumrine@exeloncorp.com';
< < 'sally.clair@exeloncorp.com'; 'sharon.grove@exeloncorp.com'; @ Rippie,
< < Glenn; 'rkelter@cuboard.org'; 'jlucas@cuboard.org'; @ Rosenblum, Daniel;
< @
< < Neilan, Paul; Foster, Pat; Lazare, Peter; Zuraski, Richard; Berning,
< < Carolyn; Howard, Joan; Clennon, Joseph; Hendrickson, John; McDonald,
< < Terrie; Borden, David; Schlaf, Eric; @ Stephens, B; @ Fitzhenry, Edward;
< < 'Beth_O'Donnell@illinoispower.com'; 'Cheryl_Smith@illinoispower.com';
< < 'Debbie_Furman@illinoispower.com'; 'denise_berolatti@illinoispower.com';
< < 'greg_gudeman@illinoispower.com'; @ Voiles, Jackie;
< < 'Joseph_Lakshmanan@Illinoispower.com'; 'Kay_Tapscott@illinoispower.com';
< < 'Randy_Clemens@illinova.com'; @ Fein, David; @ Jared, Robert;
< < 'cbrea@midamerican.com'; @ Czachura, Naomi; @ Kutsunis, Debra;
< < 'kkkoster@midamerican.com'; 'maacord@midamerican.com'; @ Trevor, Mike;
< < 'danlong12@aol.com'; @ Bramlet, Eric; @ Hextell, Julie; @ Bailey, Koby;
< @
< < Ito, Wendy; 'bwelch@peoplesenergy.net'; @ Fox, Gerard; @ Walsh, Timothy;
< < 'nwuttke@peoplesenergy.net'; 'david.braun@exeloncorp.com';
< < 'robert.ricobene@exeloncorp.com'; 'susan.bryant@exeloncorp.com';
< < 'thomas.russell@exeloncorp.com'; 'Dave.Dittemore@Williams.com';
< < 'rstillson@cilco.com'
< < Subject: Agents / Another E-mail List
< <
< < Attached is the latest e-mail list containing a few new names. A couple
< of
< < other names have been taken off the list, and I have corrected the
< e-mail
< < addresses for a few others.
< <
< < Please let me know whether you have not received the comments that have
< < been
< < sent around since last Friday, and I will send them to you.
< <
< < Thanks,
< <
< < Eric
< <
< < <<Agent Contact List.doc<< << File: Agent Contact List.doc <<
< __________________________________________________________________________
< __
< The information contained in this communication may be confidential, is
< intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally
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< you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying
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< this communication, or any of its contents, is strictly prohibited. If you
< have received this communication in error, please re-send this
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< to the sender and delete the original message and any copy of it from your
< computer system.
< Thank you.
< For more information about Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, please visit us
< at
< http://www.piperrudnick.com/
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The information contained in this communication may be confidential, is intended only for the use of the recipient named above, and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please re-send this communication to the sender and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system.
Thank you.

For more information about Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, please visit us at http://www.piperrudnick.com/