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Enron Mail |
Wow, you struck a nerve with this one! My grandmother (Mema) is an absolute
nightmare when around family, but really sweet to everyone else! Everyone tells me how wonderful and nice she is (she meets lots of people I know on her commute to her office downtown), and I just have to keep my mouth shut because no one would believe some of the things she says & does. Example: over Christmas she kept trying to tell my 8-months pregnant sister all kinds of delivery-room horror stories! I finally had to yell at her to get her to shut up. Maybe you remember Mema; she calls every so often and bullies receptionists and secretaries into tracking me down instead of just leaving a message. Of course, everyone but me thinks it is really cute. Hope your holiday was really great! "Smith, Shelly" <shelly.smith@gt.pge.com< on 12/28/99 01:52:20 PM To: "Aimee Jean Wizorek (E-mail)" <mills@early.com<, "Barbara Browning (E-mail)" <bbrowning@coral-energy.com<, "Cathy Majors (E-mail)" <cmajors@dialaccess.com<, "Cindy Demore (E-mail)" <cindydemore@dellmail.com<, "Cindy Linn (E-mail)" <clinn@reliantenergy.com<, "Donna Jackson (E-mail)" <dkjackson@akingump.com<, "Edna Black (E-mail)" <eblack@akingump.com<, "Gregory \"Gregg\" S. Roden (E-mail)" <gsroden@alturaenergy.com<, "Irma Garcia (E-mail)" <igarcia@akingump.com<, "Irma Venner (E-mail)" <irma@electroskincare.com<, "Jeanne Demore (E-mail)" <jdemore@worldnet.att.net<, "Kalise Cannon (E-mail)" <RSM1Cannon@aol.com<, "Kelley Godwin (E-mail)" <kgodwin@baykogibson.com<, "Kim Green (E-mail)" <kgreen@akingump.com<, "Linda Deleon (E-mail)" <ldeleon@eagleusa.com<, "Linda K. Shults (E-mail)" <LSHULTS@gdclaw.com<, "Lorrie Demore (E-mail)" <LDemore-Reid@penncro.com<, "Peggy Buffa (E-mail)" <Peggy_Buffa@valic.com<, "Penny Lucas (E-mail)" <plucas@akingump.com<, "Steve Bobb (E-mail)" <sbobb@nntllc.com<, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, "Terry C. Ballard (E-mail)" <tballard@akingump.com<, "Theresa Thornton (E-mail)" <tthornton@akingump.com<, "Wanda Conley (E-mail)" <Wanda_Conley@oxy.com<, "Lorenz, Nell" <nell.lorenz@gt.pge.com<, "White, Hilda" <hilda.white@gt.pge.com<, "Redd, Connie" <connie.redd@gt.pge.com<, "'Jaree_Lee@hotmail.com'" <Jaree_Lee@hotmail.com<, "Doerries, Eric" <eric.doerries@gt.pge.com< cc: Subject: Thought for the Day... Why is it some family members are more courteous to strangers than to each other? Wow! So true!!! Have a good Monday! ______________________ Shelly Smith Legal Department 713.371.7124 713.371.6797 FX PG&E Gas Transmission Texas and any other company referenced herein which uses the PG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the California utility. These companies are not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, and customers do not have to buy products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility.