Enron Mail

Subject:Re: packing?
Date:Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

I'm checking out the L'Auberge website as we speak...it sounds wonderful. =
As for baseball, I'd love to stop by for a few innings on Saturday. It sou=
nds like fun and I wouldn't mind checking out the stadium. I can't stress =
enough how flexible I am on all this stuff. We can wait a while before dec=
iding which is our best beach day bet. I'll check out the spa's schedule r=
egarding massages to see what kind of flexibility there is there. As for t=
he clothing I will try to remind myself SD is casual...Houston's gotten pre=
tty sassy over the last couple of years. I always feel underdressed when I=
go out here. Thursday night sounds great...two days and counting.

=09Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: Julie Gibson <julieg@qualc=
omm.com< 04/10/2001 12:52 PM=09

Subject:=09Re: packing?

great ideas and suggestions! i'll respond in more detail later, but wanted=
to let you know you picked some of the best restaurants in san diego! i'l=
l try to gather some people to go straight out on thursday evening- that wo=
uld be fun....i was going to study on saturday, but may have to rethink tha=
t if you've found saturday to be better beach weather. i do like your plan=
for friday...i've asked my rooomate for spa suggestions....the one i do kn=
ow of is L'Auberge resort in del mar- you can probably find info on the web=
and/or call them (don't have the phone number handy, unfortunately!). i d=
efinitely think a jacket is better than a sweater- unfortunately it's quite=
cold today. does usually warm up during the day, though. do you like ba=
seball? i might be responsible for hosting our skybox on saturday, so we c=
ould drop by for a few innings, but if not, then i can get someone else to =
be in charge.....i am taking monday off of work to study all day, so it sho=
uld make me much more relaxed this weekend. and i'm going to study like cra=
zy tonight. =20

there are several churches near me, so we'll probably go in del mar, cardif=
f-by-the-sea, or encinitas.....still working that out. but definitely plan =
on a run on the beach (if that appeals to you!)- i've been so horrible abou=
t working out these past several weeks. =20

since san diego is pretty casual, you should be able to bring a pair of bla=
ck pants or a skirt or something and have it function for both dinner out a=
nd church.....and of course, i always have sweaters and jackets, so you can=
always borrow something of mine. =20

i'll drop you more info once i have it!


At 11:49 AM 4/10/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Okay, given the weather conditions out there right now I'm going to have to
put a little extra planning into my packing. I figure we'll be engaging in
the following activities: beach, shopping, dinner, going out, church and I
think you mentioned something about a museum. Given those various
situations, I was wondering what you suggest I bring along. For instance,
am I going to need a jacket at night or is a sweater sufficient and what do
you suggest in the way of "go-out" clothes? Also, let me know if you hear
anything about the spas...that way I can try and make a reservation (=20
figure Friday mid-morning would be a good time. We could go for a run in
the morning and then I could go for the massage while you study.)
Supposedly, it's going to be warmer on Saturday than Friday so maybe we
should plan Saturday as our beach day...of course, I'm completely flexible.
As for brunch on Sunday, I did a little research yesterday and came up with
a few suggestions... George's on the Cove, The Marine Room, Brockton Villa,
Trattoria Acqua and Pacifica Del Mar. All of these, with the exception of
Pacifica Del Mar, are in La Jolla so I suppose we'd have to take that into
consideration...There is a Presbyterian church in La Jolla that could be an
option (but if your friends have suggestions I defer to their judgement
both religiously and gastronomically). All of the places mentioned above,
in addition to The Fish Market, Cafe Japengo and En Fuego Cantina & Grill,
also sounded good for just regular meals. Depending on local culture (and
your own opinion) I was just going to let you know that I can go straight
from the airport somewhere if you want on Thursday. I didn't know what
time people typically go out to eat or if you even wanted to go out
Thursday night.

I know, I know...I had way too much time on my hands yesterday.

In the end, I'll really do anything and go anywhere...just thought I'd help
out with a few suggestions.
