Enron Mail

Subject:Alternative to a .com luau
Date:Thu, 27 Jul 2000 04:58:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is the Friday party info. Should be fun.

---------------------- Forwarded by Ted Noble/HOU/ECT on 07/27/2000 12:30 PM
From: Billy Braddock@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS on 07/26/2000 03:06 PM
To: Palmer Letzerich/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Paul
Burkhart/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Esben Pedersen/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Nathan Will/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Bryan Williams/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Ross Mesquita/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Ann Korioth/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Ted Noble/HOU/ECT@ECT, John
Massey/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Mitchell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Keenan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bret
Scholtes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Van Gelder/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Richard Schneider/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Alternative to a .com luau

Party this Friday. See below.
----- Forwarded by Billy Braddock/Enron Communications on 07/26/00 03:06 PM

Corbin Barnes
07/26/00 12:42 PM

To: Frank Vela/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jim Emerson/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Jason Thompkins/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Key Kasravi/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Radu Tutos/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Billy
Braddock/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Joseph Escobar/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Anand David/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, David Reinfeld/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Ashley Dietz/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, John
Allario/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nate Alvord/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Carlos Vicens/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Lucy Tanner/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Brett Schulick/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Cecilia Manzolillo/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
Paul Burkhart/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Bryan Williams/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, chris_cassell@hotmail.com,
rrenner@hdrinc.com, troy_martin@usa.net, BMHBrad@aol.com, Bryan.Dehan@msdw.com
Subject: Alternative to a .com luau

Gente - Being the key contact people that i know all of you are - i am sure
that this invite will find its way to the appropriate people. Feel free to
invite all that you think would enjoy - It is clearly not our intention to
belittle or ignore in any way the important personal triumphs of those not on
these initial email lists.

See you there.

Wed, 26 Jul 2000 11:30:55 -0500
Bryan Dehan <Bryan.Dehan@msdw.com<??|?Block address
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Friday Party
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 11:30:55 -0500
To: "Dehan, Bryan" <Bryan.Dehan@msdw.com<
BCC: gdehan@nichesw.com, agoldberg@compubank.com, jessica_Jacobe@ars.aon.com,
Billy_Braddock@enron.net,MERRITT@SUPLEEART.COM, Chiprives@aol.com,
elawhon@mdck.com,dollingerd@epenergy.com, rkeisler@flash.net, lklaus@pdq.net,
Christopher.Thomas@Bus.utexas.edu, elizabethmccord@hotmail.com,
loren@capitalcommercial.com,"(E-mail), Matt Turner"
<MTURNER@LPCommercial.com<,"Allen, Margaret"
<Margaret.Allen@enron.com<,"Barnes, Corbin"
<corbin_barnes@yahoo.com<,"Dawn, Lawrence,"
<DLawrence@cei-crescent.com<,"Eller, Dirk" <deller@Agillion.com<,"Ford,
Aimee" <forda@tklaw.com<, "Ford, Bo" <bford@frostbank.com<,"Graber,
Courtney" <Courtney_Graber@Dell.com<,"Hamilton, Chad"
<Chad_Hamilton@Dell.com<,"HOGAN, WYATT"
<HOGAW@andrews-kurth.com<,"Hudgins, Steven F."
<shudgins@hhw-law.com<,"HUGHES, SARAH"
Robin" <RSKAppraiser@email.msn.com<,"Keller, Kurt"
<kurt_keller@yahoo.com<,"Mattingly, Catherine"
<ckmattingly@hotmail.com<,"mcknight, alan"
<amcknight99@yahoo.com<,"Pappas, Merritt"
<merritt@supleeart.com<,"Thomas, Shannon"
<SHANNON.THOMAS@chase.com<,"Thompkins, Jason"
<Jason_Thompkins@enron.net<,"Vavrek, Kim"
W Diehl <William.Diehl@msdw.com<, caroldehan@hotmail.com

Friday Party

Add Addresses


Several of us are getting together to rent out the party room at
Cadillac Bar
on Friday night. If you must have a reason, it is to celebrate life
you may pick one of your own personal triumphs to celebrate).

Please feel free to bring friends - we will start around 8 and it will
last until we get sick of each other.

Cadillac Bar is located at 1802 Shepherd near I-10.

See you there,

Corbin Barnes
Bryan Dehan
Mark Prescott
Cris Pye
Jason Thompkins