Enron Mail

Subject:A Special Event with Salon E
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 17:14:25 -0800 (PST)

Dear Susan,
On behalf of Salon E, you are invited to attend a one day seminar on March 24.
Helen PerryPresents...
A Seminar for Women and Men
With Synthia Smith and Salon E
Sponsored by Image Consultants Stephanie Cox and Olga Kyriazis
Ready for a new outlook?
According to surveys from Stanford, Harvard, and Carnegie Institute of Technology, 15% of success in business is due to technical knowledge while 85% of success is due to people skills and a professional image.
What statement are you making with your appearance?
Learn about your wardrobe, hair, make-up/grooming, speech, dining etiquette and body language. You'll increase your inner confidence and leave with a personal action plan. Our team will guide you, in a relaxed and fun setting, as you fine tune every element of your presentation.
Come dressed casually-smart. Please bring one formal business or business-casual outfit and one evening outfit.
ALL outfits should be completely accessorized.
Each participant will receive:
? Individual Assessment on 3 Outfits
? Manicure Gift Certificate
? Etiquette Training
? Gift Bag
? Information on Houston Resources
? Lancaster Lunch
? Personal Action Plan
You'll never look at clothing in the same way again!
DATE:March 24, 2002
TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: The Lancaster Hotel in Downtown Houston-701 Texas Ave.@ Louisiana (713-228-9500). Luxury Room Rates @ $160 / night are available.
FEE: $250 - Includes tuition, lunch, course materials and a $50 non-refundable registration fee. No refunds 72 hours prior to event. Substitutions permitted.
TO REGISTER: Go to http://www.helen-perry.com For more info, contact sponsors: Stephanie Cox (713-539-7597 / srcox@ev1.net) / Olga Kyriazis (713-516-6542 / olgak@ev1.net) Make Checks Payable to: Stephanie Cox, 4630 Ella Blvd., Houston, TX77018.
Limited Seating!
Helen Perry is in her 19th year as a Corporate and Personal Image Consultant. Over her distinguished career, she has taught thousands of men and women in The U.S. and abroad to present their best selves in professional, personal and social arenas. Clients from companies such as Motorola, Shell, Deloitte & Touche and Gulf States Toyota report significant visible results, increased productivity and heightened morale. Helen's delightful use of humor places her training sessions in the distinct category of Edutainment, leaving her audiences both educated and entertained. Helen will guide you to a new and effective way of presenting yourself and an awareness of what others may be telling you with their appearance.
Synthia Smithis a coach, corporate consultant and trainer with over 20 years of Fortune 500 corporate and independent business experience. Synthia's clients credit her practical yet deeply intuitive approach as the key to their unexpected results. Her strength lies in creating safe environments where each person can reinvent and re-invigorate their self-image, lifestyle, career path and life purpose. She'll show you how to move what you learn into action.
Salon E,formerly Etienne's, is one of Houston's finest Day Spas. Their expert hair and make-up specialists will be available to answer questions on your individual needs. Selected participants will receive on-the-spot makeovers. Each participant will receive a gift certificate for a manicure at their newly remodeled Highland Village Spa.