Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 21:03:28 -0800 (PST)

cruciverbalist (kroo-ci-VUHR-buh-list) noun

A crossword designer or enthusiast.

[From Latin cruci-, stem of crux (cross), + verbalist (one skilled in use
of words), from verbum (word).]

"In a suburban town in Connecticut, Cora Felton has some small measure
of notoriety as the Puzzle Lady, reputed constructor of syndicated
crosswords. The much married and generally alcoholic Cora, though, is
a front for her niece Sherry, the real cruciverbalist."
GraceAnne A DeCandido, Last Puzzle & Testament (book review),
The Booklist (Chicago), Jul 2000.

This week's theme: words to describe people.

Today's AWAD is sponsored by NannyTax, Inc., providing tax compliance
services to employers of domestic help. For useful information and
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GAX, which provides web solutions ranging from web sites to the GAX~thinX
content management system. For more information, visit GAX at http://gax.com

Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather
than housed in them. -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist and author

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