Enron Mail

Date:Sun, 27 Jan 2002 21:04:32 -0800 (PST)

esemplastic (es-em-PLAS-tik) adjective

Having the capability of moulding diverse ideas or things into unity.

[From Greek es- (into) + en, neuter of eis (one) + plastic. Coined by poet
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), apparently after German Ineinsbildung
(forming into one)].

Here is how Coleridge used the term in his 1817 Biographia Literaria or
Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions. Vol. I, Chapter 13:

On the imagination, or esemplastic power.
O Adam! one Almighty is, from whom
All things proceed, and up to him return
If not depraved from good: created all
Such to perfection, one first nature all
Indued with various forms, various degrees.

"Admirers of (A.N.) Wilson, and I have been one of them, may console
themselves by speculating that he just got impatient, or tired. Or that
a minor demon, in a snit over his prolific output and ambitious subject
matter, cast a temporary malediction on his esemplastic powers of
Gail Godwin, Losing It All, The Washington Post, Jan 23, 1994.

Like a house of cards, Enron corporation came down a few weeks ago. Its
bankruptcy proceedings opened what may turn out to be a Pandora's box for
more than just the corporation itself. Journalists are using the freshly
minted term Enronomics to describe this corporation's brand of economics
and accounting: off-the-record dealings, cooking books, and number sorcery
that led to its rise and crash. Creative accounting has been going on for
ages but it seems that Enron perfected it.

Whether the term enronomics sticks, only time will tell. But this is a good
example of how new words are coined. Some weather the test of time and get
anointed into the venerated pages of dictionaries, while others fade like
last year's fashion.

This week's AWAD features five words, all coined by people, that have stuck
around. Those who brought these expressions to life are a diverse lot. We'll
see inventions of a poet, a cartoonist, a zoologist, and two journalists
during the next five days. -Anu

Sponsors of today's AWAD include NannyTax, Inc., providing tax compliance
services to employers of domestic help. For useful information and a free
consultation, please visit: http://www.nannytax.com

Zeus Systems providing content and related services for K-12 math & science
and helping clients realize significant savings: http://zeuslearning.com

So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, While just
the art of being kind is all the sad world needs. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox,
poet (1850-1919)

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