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fetor (FEE-tuhr) noun, also foetor
A strong offensive odor; stench. [From Latin fetor, from fetere (to stink).] "Just imagine yourself trying to pick out fresh fruit while your olfactory nerve is bombarded with the fetor of a bait shop run by some flea-bitten old coot called Gooey." Dell Poncet, Odors, Clinton and Fat, Philadelphia Business Journal, Jan 19, 1996. This week's theme: miscellaneous words. Today's AWAD is sponsored by NannyTax, Inc., providing tax compliance services to employers of domestic help. For useful information and a free consultation, please visit: http://www.nannytax.com AND Learn A Second Language Quickly And Easily with Pimsleur. Only 30-minutes a day, easily done in your car! http://LanguageLovers.com/?AWORD ............................................................................ As soon as man does not take his existence for granted, but beholds it as something unfathomably mysterious, thought begins. -Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobelist (1875-1965) Q: Tomorrow is my friend's birthday and I forgot to send her a gift. Help! A: Give the gift of words. Send a gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day at http://wordsmith.org/awad/gift.html . It is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year long, and beyond. Pronunciation: http://wordsmith.org/words/fetor.wav http://wordsmith.org/words/fetor.ram