Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 28 Feb 2002 07:21:32 -0800 (PST)

proscenium (pro-SEE-nee-uhm) noun

The part of the stage that is in front of the curtain.

[From Latin proscenium, from Green proskenion, from pro- (before) +
skene (scene).]

"A certain elegant artificiality borders this novel (Gertrude and
Claudius) like the proscenium of a stage. Updike has laced his own
Shakespearean aphorisms through the narrative."
Ron Charles, To Be or Not to Be a Good Parent, That is the Question,
Christian Science Monitor (Boston), Feb 3, 2000.

This week's theme: words from theater.

Note: You can listen to yours truly on KPBS 89.5 FM San Diego on Sunday,
March 3, 2002. Those outside the broadcast range can listen at the KPBS
Web site: http://kpbs.org/_nav/frameset_radio_stream.html
The program times are 10-10:30 AM Pacific (6-6:30 PM GMT)
and 5-5:30 PM Pacific (1-1:30 AM GMT, next day).

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The mind commands the body and the body obeys. The mind commands itself and
finds resistance. -St. Augustine (354-430)

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