Enron Mail

To:eboon@thlee.com, sscott5@enron.com, edrington@uthscsa.edu,rannlewis@hotmail.com, jespulliam@aol.com, jeannie.l.cooper@us.andersen.com, abby_white@gensler.com, annswalton@hotmail.com, kathrynvanwie@msn.com, trish.dalton@chron.com
Subject:Caycie's Bachelorette
Date:Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:25:42 -0800 (PST)

Hi girls!

Caycie's Bachelorette is only 3 weeks away! I hope all of you got your
invitations - thank you, Bate, for doing those! If you haven't please send
me an email. I am also assuming that you can all come, so if you can't,
please email me too.

I wanted to take a poll on something... I thought it may be fun to get a
manicure and/or peticure when we are in Wimberly. On Saturday, we will
probably get up and do Caycie's lingere shower around lunch. Then it may
be fun to look around the town - supposedly there is really cute shopping!

I called a couple of the nail salons in town and the one that I really
liked was NV Nails. A manicure is $12 and a peticure is $25 - if you get
both, it is $34. He said that if we call ahead he can get a sign that says
"Bachelorette Party" and he can reserve a place for us.

This could be something that some of us do and some others can stay at
Ann's house if they did not want to get their nails done.

What do you guys think?
