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Subject:CinemaNow Newsletter January 2002 - Issue 14
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 09:17:23 -0800 (PST)

January, 2002 Issue#14 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] =09
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Amores Perros Academy Awar=
Nominee for Best Foreign Language film. Three different people are catapul=
ted into unforeseen circumstances in the wake of a terrible car crash. [=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Songcatcher In the Appalachian=
mountains of 1907, a musicologist, (JANET MCTEER) arrives to record the Sc=
ottish and Irish folksongs and soon gets involved with a local musician, To=
m (AIDAN QUINN). [IMAGE] The Widow of St. Pierre JULIETTE BINOCHE stars=
in this story of a convict sentenced to death who strives to better himsel=
f in the eyes of the police chief's beautiful wife [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] 7 Days To Live This movie kept you entertained until the=
end. Definitely an edge of your seat thriller and for a couple of bucks, w=
orth a watch. - Ricky R [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 1. Beverly Hills Vamp 2.=
American Pi 3. Blade Master 4. Eve 5. 24 Hours To Kill 6. =
Ali 7. Leprechaun 8. Final Approach 9. The Tigress 10. Teen=
age Bonnie With the Super Bowl upon us, what is your favorite football=
comedy? Necessary Roughness The Longest Yard The Waterboy Wil=
dcats North Dallas Forty [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Lost an=
d Delirious PIPER PERABO (Coyote Ugly) stars in the story of three adolesce=
nt girls' first love, their discovery of sexual passion, and their search f=
or identities set in a posh boarding school. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Route 666 When Special Agents Jack (LO=
U DIAMOND PHILLIPS) and Stephanie (LORI PETTY) cut through a condemned, des=
olate highway known as Route 666 they discover a danger far worse than dead=
ly twists and turns [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [=
OND PHILIPS head up an all-star cast (okay, an 80's all-star cast) in this =
outrageous comedy about two kidnappers who accidentally kill their hostage =
and must find a replacement. [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Happy New Year! Yes, a new year means =
new beginnings and things are already picking up here at CinemaNow . Our =
New Years resolution was to bring even more quality flicks to the site (we=
ll, actually it was to stop biting our nails, but I'll spare you the detai=
ls) and we are already delivering. Some of our fresh arrivals include Amor=
es Perros (that's Love's a Bitch for all those who no habla espanol), an=
Academy Award
Nominee for Best Foreign Language Film (it lost to that pesky Crouching T=
iger) that many considered one of the best films of last year. Continuing=
on the Oscar-tip, we also have Academy Award
Nominee Juliette Binoche in The Widow of St. Pierre and Songcatcher , =
a folksy romance (think O Brother Where Art Thou?, but good) starring Aida=
n Quinn and Tumbleweeds' Janet Mcteer. And this is just the beginning o=
f some of the great films that will be appearing on CinemaNow in the com=
ing months. February promises to be our biggest month ever (okay, it's the=
shortest month, but it will seem huge). Lots of new films, special promot=
ions, contests, added downloads and more. I'm giddy just thinking about i=
t. Enjoy the films! CinemaNow Watch Movies Here! [IMAGE] ? Copyri=
ght 2001 CinemaNow. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy . Notice: To unsu=
bscribe from future CinemaNow newsletter mailings, click here . or by send=
ing an email to this address: leave-cinemanow-0201a-13656239I@lyris.postfut=
ure.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
Click below to see the animated online version of this newsletter in you=
r browser: http://postfuture.com/P/hr.asp?r=3D80&;e=3D13427376 And, if y=
ou know of a friend who would be interested in receiving this message, ple=
ase send them this newsletter by clicking or browsing to the URL below: ht=
tp://postfuture.com/P/hr.asp?r=3D91&e=3D13427376 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09