Enron Mail

Subject:Escape the Cold...Florida Beaches from $128
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 17:29:10 -0800 (PST)

=09=09=09=09=09=09 February 6, 2002 Dear Flycheap.com Member: You ar=
e receiving this email because you are a registered user of Flycheap.com an=
d have indicated that you would like to receive travel specials from us. =
Here's what you'll find in today's Flycheap newsletter . . . - Florida=
Beach Airfares from $128 Roundtrip - Florida Beach Vacation Packages fr=
om $449 - Top 3 Cruise Deals - from only $249 - Vacation Rentals - 7 =
Nights from $197 per person - Reserve your Hotel Room online and Save! =
For more information, please visit www.flycheap.com =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Now is the perfect time to visit the Florida beaches. Be=
the envy of all your neighbors. Get a tropical tan without having to leav=
e the states. From the panhandle to Key West, from St. Pete Beach to Miami=
Beach, from Daytona to Naples, the Sunshine State has some of the most bea=
utiful and well-known beaches in the entire world. These roundtrip airfar=
es to the Florida Beaches found on FlyCheap.com include all taxes and surch=
arges. =09
=09=09Fort Lauderdale New York Boston Denver Fort Myers =
New York Atlanta Dallas Miami Baltimore Chicago =
Philadelphia Palm Beach Houston New York Charlotte Ta=
mpa Raleigh Durham Minneapolis Pittsburgh =09=09=09=09 $17=
2 $185 $211 $172 $194 $227 $176 $206 $207 $174 $177 $220 $1=
28 $151 $192 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Fares available from where you live to everywhere you wan=
t to go. Visit www.flycheap.com for even more great fares. Remember to =
Fly Smart, Fly Cheap at FLYCHEAP.COM =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 Call 1-800 FLY CHEAP or visit www.flycheap.com The F=
lorida beaches are more than just sand and sun. You can enjoy fine dining, =
visit beautiful museums, or shop like never before. Visit Busch Gardens in =
Tampa, Metrozoo in Miami, Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall in Fort Lauderdale, or=
the spring training home of your favorite baseball team. Family vacation o=
r romantic getaway. East coast or west coast. It's your choice. Book now to=
take advantage of these great deals and the fantastic Florida weather. Fl=
orida beach vacation packages include 3 nights accommodation at the listed =
resort, airfare via American Airlines, and a compact rental car from Alamo.=
=09=09 Fort Lauderdale Days Inn Bahia Cabana=09=09=09 Fort Myers Beach Outr=
igger Beach Resort=09=09
=09New York Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles=09$449 $459 $489 $529 =
$679 $589=09=09New York Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles=09$459 $45=
9 $489 $529 $679 $589=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09 Jensen Beach Holiday Inn Oceanside=09=09=09 Miami Beach RIU Florida =
=09New York Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles=09$449 $449 $489 $519 =
$669 $579=09=09New York Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles=09$479 $48=
9 $519 $549 $699 $609=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09 St. Pete Beach TradeWinds Sandpiper=09=09=09=09=09
=09New York Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Los Angeles=09$499 $509 $539 $579 =
$719 $639=09=09=09=09=09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Package rates are available from over 200 cities to over=
120 resorts in Florida. Call 1-800 FLY CHEAP or visit www.flycheap.com =
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 4th Night Free at all Ohana hotels in Waikiki, Hawaii fr=
om 3/1/02 through 6/30/02 4th Night Free at the Kauai Coconut Beach Resor=
t in Kauai, Hawaii through 12/23/02 5th Night Free at select Outrigger an=
d Ohana hotels in Hawaii from 4/1/02 through 6/30/02 5th Night Free at t=
he Royal Lahaina Resort in Maui, Hawaii through 6/19/02 7th Night Free at=
the Days Suites Maingate East in Orlando, Florida through 12/31/02 7th N=
ight Free at Sheraton's Vistana Resort and Sheraton's Vistana Villages in O=
rlando, Florida through 12/20/02 Double Upgrades at the Kauai Coconut Bea=
ch, Royal Lahaina, and Royal Kona Resorts in Hawaii through 6/19/02 R=
emember to Fly Smart, Fly Cheap at FLYCHEAP.COM =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 TOP 3 CRUISE DEALS =09
=09=09=09=09=09=091. Caribbean - 7 Nights Aboard Royal Caribbean - from $5=
49 2. Alaska - 7 Night Princess Glacier Cruise - from only $599 3. B=
ahamas - 3 Nights from Port Canaveral - from $249 For other hot cruise =
deals, visit www.mytravel.com =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 VACATION RENTAL SPECIAL =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Cocoa Beach, FL - 7 Night Stay for just $197* Per Person =
Featuring luxurious 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condominiums and large private =
balconies, The Resort on Cocoa Beach boasts a spectacular 3,000 square foot=
pool and spa and a fabulous water playground-a perfect playground for the =
entire family! $1179 total cost including taxes for a 2-bedroom condo *P=
er person pricing based upon 6-person occupancy Click here for more detail=
s =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 RESERVE YOUR HOTEL ROOM ONLINE =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Now that you've booked your flights, search for hotels on=
Flycheap.com's sister site, MyTravel.com. On the MyTravel.com Hotel Search=
Engine you can reserve online at one of our 53,000 hotels, resorts and inn=
s. It is safe and secure and you'll find some of the best Hotel Rates in th=
e industry. Click here to reserve your room online =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09This email is free service of Flycheap.com and MyTravel U=
SA. For more information, please visit: www.flycheap.com You rec=
eived this mailing at this address: sscott5@enron.com To automatically u=
nsubscribe from Flycheap.com mailings, please click here Flycheap.com=
is part of the MyTravel Group. Click here for details. =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09 =09
=09=09=09=09=09=09Disclaimer: Roundtrip fares require 14-day advance purcha=
se, Saturday night stay, and Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday travel only. =
Quoted fares valid 2/26/02 - 3/21/02 and must be ticketed by 2/11/02. Dome=
stic fares include all taxes and fees. Fares non-refundable and may not be=
available on all flights. Package rates are per person, double occupancy,=
based on select midweek travel 3/4/02 - 3/29/02 and include all air taxes =
and fees, hotel taxes, and car rental taxes and fees if applicable. Packag=
e rates are limited, do not include transfers, and must be booked by 2/11/0=
2. Package rates that include car are based on a compact size car. Top 3 =
Cruise Disclaimer: All rates are per person, double occupancy, cruise only,=
do not include airfare, and include port charges unless otherwise indicate=
d above. Government fees and taxes are additional. All rates are subject to=
availability and may go up, sell out, or be withdrawn by the cruise line a=
t any time. Disclaimer for Vacation Rentals: Rates shown are per unit for=
the specific time period listed and include applicable taxes. Guests may n=
ot exceed maximum occupancy for specific unit purchased. Rates may sell out=
at any time. Additional dates and unit sizes are listed on the website. =
FL Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33310 CST# 2043440-40 IA SOT 645 Copyrig=
ht ? 2002, MyTravel USA=09