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Subject:From $15: Travel deals in your favorite places!
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:25:59 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] =09



[IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] Flight deals [=
IMAGE] Vacation package deals [IMAGE] Lodging deals [=
IMAGE] Cruise deals [IMAGE] More deals [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 Dear Susan, Visit our new travel stor=
es and you'll find deals from just $15. Choose from five of your favorite =
sunny destinations: Las Vegas , Orlando , Los Angeles , Hawaii , and Miami=
. But that's not all -- you'll also find city guides, detailed maps with h=
otel locations, vacation add-ons, and much more. They're your one-stop shop=
s for the perfect vacation. Just choose a store below, start shopping -- an=
d save! Las Vegas store: Deals from $15 Orlando store: Deals from $45 =
Los Angeles store: Deals from $88 Hawaii store: Deals from $89 Miami s=
tore: Deals from $59 [IMAGE] Search for a flight [IMAGE] Leav=
ing from: Depart: (MM/DD/YY) Morning Afternoon Evening 1 adult 2 adu=
lts 3 adults 4 adults 5 adults 6 adults [IMAGE] Going to: Return: (=
MM/DD/YY) Morning Afternoon Evening EXPEDIA'S TOP TRAVEL DEALS =
Flight deals [IMAGE] [IMAGE] British Airways fare sale! Flights to =
Europe from $218 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fly to Canada on Air Canada for as l=
ittle as $225 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Save up to 60% on your flight, with Expe=
dia Bargain Fares [IMAGE] [IMAGE] See more great fares on our Flight D=
eals page Vacation deals [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Save 30% in Jamaica and T=
urks and Caicos -- all-inclusive air/hotel deals from $571! [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] Breckenridge ski deal -- air, hotel, and ski-in/ski-out access! Three=
nights from $507 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Four nights in sunny Jamaica -- righ=
t on the beach -- from $618 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] See our best vacation pack=
age deals Lodging deals [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Save on the sun! Get up to=
25% off vacation homes and condos in Hawaii and Orlando [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] Nassau, Bahamas -- Nassau Beach Hotel from $82 until 2/23 [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] Washington, D.C. -- Ideally located Marriott Courtyard Northwest, =
from $75 until 1/31 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] See our Hot Lodging Deals: 40 desti=
nations, over 100 great deals Cruise deals [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Four-da=
y western Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Celebration (Galveston roundtrip=
) from $529 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 10-day Caribbean cruise aboard the Celebr=
ity Galaxy (Charleston roundtrip) from $799 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 10-day exo=
tic western Caribbean cruise on Carnival (New Orleans roundtrip) from $699 =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] See our special discounted cruise deals EXPLORE =
EXPEDIA [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Breckenridge -- The perfect place for a la=
id-back, down-to-earth ski vacation [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ah, Paris! Be daz=
zled by our City of Light Slide Show [IMAGE] [IMAGE] San Francisco --=
Take your sweetheart to America's most romantic city [IMAGE] UNSUBS=
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lick here . For additional assistance, visit the Expedia.com Customer Suppo=
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hout notice. Prices shown may not include applicable taxes, fees and fuel s=
urcharges. Photo: Corbis ?2001 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved. =
