Enron Mail

Subject:Morpheus Upgrade!
Date:Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:07:29 -0800 (PST)

- No credit card required for a FREE cell phone with FREE shipping! Clic=
k here [IMAGE] Download the NEW Morpheus PETM Now! [IMAGE] As you =
know from recent newsletters, Morpheus has been preparing to substantially =
upgrade the Morpheus software. Unexpectedly, one of our software providers =
made a significant upgrade to their technology that is currently incompatib=
le with Morpheus. This has led to our users having difficulty connecting to=
Morpheus. As a result, we accelerated the release of our new Morpheus soft=
ware. With great pride we are now able to offer the Preview Edition (PE) o=
f Morpheus. Some of the benefits of the new Morpheus PETM include: Easier=
-to-use Interface Exciting New Features ~ Click here to check them out. =
More Search Results All of your shared files from the previous version of=
Morpheus are automatically transferred into the new Morpheus PETM ~ you w=
on't lose any of your content! Have a question about Morpheus PE? Click=
here to visit our extensive FAQ & Help section. Exciting News... S=
treamCast Networks is also very excited to announce that in approximately t=
wo weeks, Morpheus 2.0 will be released. Morpheus 2.0 will revolutionize th=
e way you use peer-to-peer networks! Come to the website www.MusicCity.com =
for updates. We will send you an e-mail the day we release Morpheus 2.0 to=
the world. Stay tuned? Morpheus will continue to bring the best product a=
vailable to our users. We remain committed to providing you with a free sof=
tware without spyware. This new and improved version of Morpheus will provi=
de you with access to the #1 peer-to-peer file sharing network in the world=
! Thank you for your patience. Click here to download Morpheus PETM [IMAG=
E] Don't Consolidate, become debt free without filing for bankruptcy. =
Settle your debt for as little as 25% to 50% of what you owe and get the fr=
esh start you deserve! Click here to apply online: Click here ADVERTI=
SE WITH US!! Click here if you are interested in advertising with us. S=
HARE RESPONSIBLY Click here to sign up for this newsletter The Morpheus=
Minute is never sent unsolicited. If this Newsletter has somehow reached y=
ou in error, Click Here to unsubscribe . =09[IMAGE]=09