Enron Mail

Subject:Nationwide Sale
Date:Mon, 21 Jan 2002 05:50:58 -0800 (PST)

Act now to take advantage of these incredibly low fares to many =
of your favorite destinations in the US, Canada and Mexico. Book online at =
americawest.com and save an additional 5% on these already low roundtrip fa=
res. HURRY! - These fares must be purchased by Friday, January 25, 2002. =
Between And Sale Fare americawest.com Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ $68 $=
65 Las Vegas, NVSan Jose, CA$68 $65 Baltimore (BWI)Columbus, OH$78 $74 Oa=
kland, CAPhoenix, AZ$118 $112 Columbus, OHOrlando, FL$138 $131 Orange Cou=
nty, CAVancouver, BC$178 $169 Seattle, WATucson, AZ$178 $169 Dallas/Ft. W=
orth, TXSan Jose, CA$198 $188 Long Beach, CAMinneapolis, MN$198 $188 Chic=
ago, IL (ORD)Las Vegas, NV$198 $188 Phoenix, AZPuerto Vallarta, MX$198 $1=
88 Baltimore (BWI)San Diego, CA$198 $188 Denver, COReno, NV$218 $207 New =
York, NY (JFK)Las Vegas, NV$278 $264 Boston, MAPhoenix, AZ$278 $264 Atlan=
ta, GASan Francisco, CA$278 $264 Make a Reservation Terms & Conditio=
ns Purchase Ticket By: By Friday, 1/25/02, 9:00pm PST Travel Peri=
od: Monday, 1/28/02 to Friday, 6/14/02 Travel On: Flights operated by=
America West Airlines and America West Express Purchased Through: ame=
ricawest.com, 800-2FLY-AWA or your travel agent Ticket Refundability: =
Non-refundable Itinerary Changes: Changes are subject to a $100 fee an=
d, if applicable, any difference in fares Advance Purchase: Minimum 7 =
days Day/Time Travel Req.: Travel must be Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursd=
ay - other days slightly higher Minimum Stay: A Friday or Saturday nigh=
t stay is required Maximum Stay: 30 days Black Out Dates: None =
Routing: Roundtrip travel required Other Discounts: Fares are not co=
mbinable with any other discounts or coupons Cabin: Coach Seat Inv=
entory: The number of seats available for this fare is limited and may not=
be available on all flights Federal Excise Tax: $3 per flight segment=
. A flight segment is defined as a take off and landing Federal Interna=
tional Air Transportation Tax: To/from Mexico: $13.20 or 7.5% US intl tax =
charged on arrival and departure from US (based on itinerary) and $6 US imm=
igration fee. Mexico only: $3 plant and animal inspection fee Travel to C=
anada: The Immigration and Naturalization Service Fee of approx. USD6.00 is=
not included and will be collected at time of ticketing. An additional CA=
D10.00 Vancouver Airport Improvement Tax is applicable when departing from =
Vancouver, B.C. Fares shown do not include the 7.5% Federal transportation=
tax. Foreign Departure Tax and Fees: Foreign departure taxes, cu=
stoms and immigration fees; and tourism fees of up to $45 are applicable an=
d will be collected at time of ticketing to/from Mexico Passenger Fac=
ility Charges: Up to $20.00 per person may apply You have received=
this message because you subscribed to the Surf'n Go messaging service at=
americawest.com. To unsubscribe to this service use the email address s=
hown below. This email was sent to: sscott5@enron.com =09