Enron Mail

Subject:Priceline Fly Away For Less Deals!
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:38:17 -0800 (PST)

priceline.com =09Airline Tickets =09
=09Super-Size Savings on Airfares Dear priceline.com customer, Now is a=
great time to book your next vacation! With priceline's everyday low fares=
, you can fly where you want, when you want at savings of up to 40% or mor=
e. Saving with priceline has never been easier. You'll always fly with a =
top, name-brand domestic airline or one of our great international partner=
s. With priceline , there are never black-out dates or other travel date=
restrictions to slow you down. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Departure City: Arri=
val City: Departure Date: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec1234567891=
01112131415161718192021222324252627282930312002 Arrival Date: JanFebMarAp=
0312002 [IMAGE] Number of Tickets: 1 ticket2 tickets3 tickets4 tickets5 tic=
kets6 tickets7 tickets8 tickets [IMAGE] Fly Away For Less! [IMAGE] =
Thousands of priceline customers have already saved on airline tickets to c=
ities all across the country. Name Your Own Price today! [IMAGE] * Mari =
F. flew from San Francisco to New York for $178 (48% savings) * Jason M.=
flew from St. Louis to Las Vegas for $191 (53% savings) * Roberta K. fl=
ew from Cleveland to New York for $126 (44% savings) * Maryanne H. flew =
from Denver to Miami for $231 (55% savings) * Lavaugh K. flew from Bosto=
n to Orlando for $224 (52% savings) * Pricilla C. flew from Charlotte to=
Los Angeles for $223 (46% savings) * Kathryn R. flew from Des Moines to=
Phoenix for $182 (44% savings) * Phil T. flew from Houston to San Franc=
isco for $194 (54% savings) * Lawrence T. flew from LA to New Orleans f=
or $167 (54% savings) * Andrew P. flew from Milwaukee to Orlando for $22=
5 (46% savings) * Mary T. flew from New York to Miami for $185 (42% savi=
ngs) * Leo R. flew from San Diego to Philadelphia for $167 (54% savings)=
* John P. flew from Salt Lake City to Denver for $189 (40% savings) * =
Ruby L. flew from New York to Orlando for $155 (57% savings) * Clay K. =
flew from San Francisco to Houston for $166 (55% savings) [IMAGE] [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] Book A Flight Now =09

Prices shown include all taxes and fees. Savings shown are for the total c=
ost of the ticket when compared to the lowest published fare available at t=
he time of booking for the same itinerary. All fares are subject to change =
and availability and these results are not necessarily typical. QUESTION=
S? If you have questions about these promotions or a previous priceline req=
uest, please click here When you made your priceline request, you asked=
to receive future updates and news on our products and services. We hope y=
ou found this information useful. If you would like to unsubscribe from fut=
ure updates, click here [IMAGE] =09