Enron Mail

Subject:RE: (Fwd) Pictures
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 08:07:32 -0800 (PST)



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott, Susan M.
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 5:31 PM
To: Moscoso, Michael E.
Subject: FW: (Fwd) Pictures

here you go....

From: Lisa Gillette <lisag@kis.ernet.in<

To: elizabeth_ivers@eogresources.com, svonderheide@houston.rr.com, tcarter3@houston.rr.com,Cathy.Stevens@EXULT.net, piney@mymailstation.com, vburtonb@pdo.co.santa-clara.ca.us, burtont@nushtel.com, jennaburton2001@yahoo.com, ehillegeist@hotmail.com, Susan.M.Sc

Subject: Pictures

Copies to: mgille@coair.com, Rufburt@aol.com

Date sent: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 13:13:28 +0530

These are pictures taken by Priya's brother. So the first 37 pictures

are of Priya's family in the Andaman Islands. The remaining are

from our first couple of days in Chennai and then the first week in



#43 - the guest house I stayed at with Priya's family my 2nd night

in Chennai and the owner (NEW YEARS EVE),

#45 - Priyas mom and stepdad

#46 - Priya, Anna (KIS Staff member), and I about to get on the

overnight train from Chennai to Kodai.

#47 - me on the train trying to find our bunks

#48 - actually quite funny warning message. we saw this as we

were getting off the train though

#50-57, views of a village futher down the hills

#58 - monkeys everywhere

#60-64 my first hike in Kodaikanal

#66-72 - a Kodaikanal Sunrise

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