Enron Mail

Subject:The Morpheus Minute Issue-II
Date:Thu, 7 Feb 2002 18:08:39 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] Click to learn more... =09[IMAGE]=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 Click =
to learn more... [IMAGE] Happy 2K2 Everyone! Welcome to another ch=
apter of The Morpheus Minute and to a brand new year. On New Year's Eve, Ju=
piter was in its closest approach to Earth since 1752. The planet became th=
e second-brightest object in the nighttime sky (after the moon). If any of =
you caught a glimpse of Jupiter on New Year's Eve, consider yourself lucky =
-- it won't be in that position again until 2084. So, if you managed to nab=
some photos or videos of the planet with the Big Red Spot, please "share" =
them! Eliminate your DEBT for FREE!! This non-profit program can ELIMI=
NATE your interest charges and improve your credit rating ALL FOR FREE!! C=
lick here [IMAGE] Ask D.C. Flash! D.C. Flash is working hard to answ=
er all the questions that pour into the StreamCast Networks' inboxes. In ea=
ch newsletter, D.C. will attempt to answer 4 or more FAQs. Here are this is=
sue's questions: 1) I accidentally dumped the contents of my c:/ drive int=
o my shared files folder. How do I remove the files from the folder without=
losing them? Did you dump your whole C drive or just a few unwanted files?=
The first step is to select and right click on the file you'd like to tran=
sfer back. From the menu, select the option, Save As. In the new window tha=
t pops up, select the location you'd like to place this file. Hit ok. You'r=
e now free to delete the file from your Shared Files folder. Pat yourself o=
n the back, and repeat, if necessary. 2) I have a band and want to put the=
songs we wrote and recorded on Morpheus. Are there step-by-step instructio=
ns on how to do this? To upload content into your shared files folder, simp=
ly select the file you want to share, and drop it in. It's that easy! Morph=
eus is a great place to introduce your original music to the world! 3) Is =
there a Linux version of Morpheus? Not yet, but we're working on it. We'll =
keep you posted on roll out dates. And for the hundreds of users that have =
requested it - a Mac version of Morpheus is the works to be released soon. =
Watch for updates! 4) It doesn't work, why? D.C. needs more specific info=
rmation to help with this one. Since we don't have it, you may first want t=
o try troubleshooting with our FAQ/Help section. Check to see if you have t=
he right hardware requirements. What OS are you running? Make sure that it'=
s Morpheus compatible. Rule out any obvious problems, visit the FAQ, and th=
en visit your favorite search engine to research tech tips. You may also wa=
nt to consult your PC's OEM web site; there may be necessary updates that y=
ou're lacking. If you still can't solve the problem, e-mail DC back and giv=
e more detail regarding the problem you are encountering. Save up to 80=
% on Inkjet Cartridges at Myinks! Satisfaction Guaranteed. It's easy to fin=
d what you need. Guaranteed inks for all major printers. Fast everyday ship=
ping. Five-star customer service. Click Here [IMAGE] FRESH GEAR Check=
out other Fresh Gear on Morpheus DC Flash offers cool new products =
for our users to enjoy. Searching for something on the Net? Try this powerf=
ul, free search tool. Copernic 2001 ~ the fast and easy way to find what =
you want on the Web. Copernic 2001 ~ is a powerful Internet search tool tha=
t: ? Queries simultaneously the best Web search engines ? Quickly provides=
results ranked by relevance ? Avoids duplicate results and broken links ? =
Significantly reduces search time ? Offers instant translation of retrieved=
Web pages ? Allows you to save search results using various file formats [=
IMAGE] Copernic 2001 has all of these features plus many more. Download =
Copernic 2001 now and start your searches ~ for free! Free Tax Softw=
are! Download free TaxACT and begin preparing your taxes today! TaxACT inte=
rviews you, automatically calculates your return and prints IRS-approved fo=
rms for FREE. Plus, you can e-file for under $8 Click here ADVERTISE =
WITH US!! Click here if you are interested in advertising with us. SHAR=
E RESPONSIBLY The Morpheus Minute is never sent unsolicited. If this News=
letter has somehow reached you in error, Click Here to unsubscribe . =09[I=