Enron Mail

Subject:Weekend Surf'n Go Sports
Date:Fri, 11 Jan 2002 22:41:19 -0800 (PST)

Make a Reservation QIKCHECK-IN QIKCHECK-IN Bypass the ticket cou=
nter with QIKCHECK-IN, a new service offered by America West in select airp=
orts. Check-in, change seat assignments, or perform many other functions =
without the hassle of long lines. View Details Go First Class Go First=
Class Now you can upgrade your flight to first class for as low as $50 on=
the day of departure. Find out how you can Go First Class . Fare Sales =
[IMAGE] Internet Only Specials America West is currently offering many gr=
eat fare sales to destinations throughout our entire flight system. These=
specials are only available when booking at americawest.com. Visit our spe=
cials page to find a great deal from your city. View Details Northern Cal=
ifornia Sale Take advantage of great roundtrip fares from northern Californ=
ia to exciting destinations all across the country. Fares range from $178 =
to $258. View Details americawest.com Sale Take advantage of fares as low=
as $68 roundtrip to select America West destinations, available only at am=
ericawest.com. View Details Great Ski Sale If you like to ski or vacati=
on in the snow, these fares just may convince you to hit the slopes. View=
Details Ticketmaster ticketmaster Weekend Surf'n Go Sports Fares =
January 19-22, 2002 Support your favorite team on the road or attend a gr=
eat cultural event out of town next weekend with Surf'n Go Sports. These s=
pecials are for events between 1/19 - 1/21/02. Professional Basketball =
[IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City Fares Denver at Los Angel=
es Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA $158 Denver, CO Burbank, CA =
$158 Denver, CO Ontario, CA $158 Denver, CO Orange/Sant=
a Ana, CA $158 Denver, CO Long Beach, CA $158 Denver at Sea=
ttle Denver, CO Seattle, WA $158 Los Angeles at Portland Los An=
geles, CA Portland, OR $138 Burbank, CA Portland, OR $138 =
Ontario, CA Portland, OR $138 Orange/Santa Ana, CA Portlan=
d, OR $138 Los Angeles at San Antonio Los Angeles, CA San Antonio,=
TX $158 Burbank, CA San Antonio, TX $158 Ontario, CA =
San Antonio, TX $158 Orange/Santa Ana, CA San Antonio, TX $15=
8 Long Beach, CA San Antonio, TX $158 New Jersey at Dallas =
Newark, NJ Dallas/Ft Worth, TX $158 New York, NY (LGA) Dallas/=
Ft Worth, TX $158 Seattle at Philadelphia Seattle, WA Philadelphia=
, PA $218 Toronto at Boston Toronto, ON Boston, MA $158 Utah =
at Golden State Salt Lake City, UT San Francisco, CA $128 Sal=
t Lake City, UT San Jose, CA $128 Salt Lake City, UT Oakland, C=
A $128 Washington at Chicago Washington, DC (DCA) Chicago, IL (ORD=
) $138 Baltimore, MD (BWI) Chicago, IL (ORD) $138 =
Professional Hockey [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City Fare=
s Colorado at San Jose Colorado Springs, CO San Jose, CA $178 =
Colorado Springs, CO San Francisco, CA $178 Colorado Springs, C=
O Oakland, CA $178 Dallas at Chicago Dallas/Ft Worth, TX Chicago,=
IL (ORD) $138 Dallas at Columbus Dallas/Ft Worth, TX Columbus, OH=
$138 New York at Los Angeles Newark, NJ Burbank, CA $218 =
Newark, NJ Ontario, CA $218 Newark, NJ Long Beach, CA $218 =
New York, NY (JFK) Burbank, CA $218 New York, NY (JFK) =
Ontario, CA $218 New York, NY (JFK) Long Beach, CA $218 Phi=
ladelphia at Toronto Philadelphia, PA Toronto, ON $158 C=
ollege Basketball - Men [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City F=
ares BYU at Air Force Salt Lake City, UT Colorado Springs, CO $138 =
BYU at New Mexico Salt Lake City, UT Albuquerque, NM $138 Colorad=
o St. at UNLV Denver, CO Las Vegas, NV $158 Colorado St. at San Di=
ego St. Denver, CO San Diego, CA $158 Fresno St. at Texas El Paso =
Fresno, CA El Paso, TX $168 NAU at Sacramento St. Flagstaff, AZ=
Sacramento, CA $158 UCLA at Arizona Los Angeles, CA Tucson, AZ =
$68 Orange/Santa Ana, CA Tucson, AZ $68 Burbank, CA Tu=
cson, AZ $68 Ontario, CA Tucson, AZ $68 Long Beach, CA=
Tucson, AZ $68 USC at Arizona St. Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ =
$68 Orange/Santa Ana, CA Phoenix, AZ $68 Burbank, CA Ph=
oenix, AZ $68 Ontario, CA Phoenix, AZ $68 Long Beach, =
CA Phoenix, AZ $68 Utah at New Mexico Salt Lake City, UT Albuquer=
que, NM $138 College Basketball - Women [IMAGE] Event De=
parture City Destination City Fares Arizona at UCLA Tucson, AZ Los Ange=
les, CA $68 Tucson, AZ Orange/Santa Ana, CA $68 Tucson=
, AZ Burbank, CA $68 Tucson, AZ Ontario, CA $68 Tucso=
n, AZ Long Beach, CA $68 Arizona St. at USC Phoenix, AZ Los Angel=
es, CA $68 Phoenix, AZ Orange/Santa Ana, CA $68 Phoeni=
x, AZ Burbank, CA $68 Phoenix, AZ Ontario, CA $68 Pho=
enix, AZ Long Beach, CA $68 BYU at Air Force Salt Lake City, UT C=
olorado Springs, CO $138 Sacramento St. at NAU Sacramento, CA Flag=
staff, AZ $158 San Jose St. at Rice San Jose, CA Houston, TX (IAH)=
$198 San Francisco, CA Houston, TX (IAH) $198 Oakland=
, CA Houston, TX (IAH) $198 Tex. El Paso at Fresno St. El Paso, TX=
Fresno, CA $168 UNLV at Colorado St. Las Vegas, NV Denver, CO =
$158 Utah at New Mexico Salt Lake City, UT Albuquerque, NM $138 =
Cultural Events [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination Cit=
y Fares Theater: Les Miserables Las Vegas, NV Phoenix, AZ $68 =
Tucson, AZ Phoenix, AZ $68 Albuquerque, NM Phoenix, AZ $68 =
El Paso, TX Phoenix, AZ $68 San Diego Opera Phoenix, AZ Sa=
n Diego, CA $78 Tucson, AZ San Diego, CA $78 Las Vegas=
, NV San Diego, CA $78 Albuquerque, NM San Diego, CA $98 =
El Paso, TX San Diego, CA $98 Surf'n Go Sports Terms and Condit=
ions: Purchase Ticket By: Friday, 1/18/02, 9:00pm PST Travel Outbound: Sa=
turday, 1/19/02 Travel Return: Monday, 1/21/02 or Tuesday, 1/22/02 Travel =
On: Flights operated by America West and America West Express Purchased Th=
rough: americawest.com Ticket Refundability: Non- refundable Itinerary Ch=
anges: Subject to fare availability, $100 change fee, and difference in far=
e if applicable Minimum Stay: 2 nights Black Out Dates: None Routing: R=
oundtrip only, Routing restrictions may apply Other Discounts: Not combina=
ble with any other discount Seat Inventory: Limited - subject to availabi=
lity Federal Excise Tax: $2.75 per flight segment. A flight segment is def=
ined as a take off and landing Passenger Facility Charges: Up to $20 per p=
erson, depending on itinerary Federal International Taxes: To/from Canada: =
$12.40 or 7.5% US intl tax charged on arrival and departure from US (based =
on itinerary) and $6 US immigration fee. Canada only: NAVCAN surcharge of C=
AD7.50 each way You have received this message because you subscr=
ibed to the Surf'n Go messaging service at americawest.com. To unsubscrib=
e to this weekly mailing, please visit http://www.americawest.com/specials/=
sp_subscribe.asp . This email was sent to: sscott5@enron.com =09