Enron Mail

Subject:Weekend Surf'n Go Sports
Date:Sat, 26 Jan 2002 02:18:45 -0800 (PST)

Make a Reservation americawest.com Spring Training in Arizona Ar=
izona is the home to Cactus league spring training. This year's training sc=
hedule begins Wednesday, 2/27/02 and ends on Sunday, 3/31/02. Get away fro=
m the daily grind and let America West "take you out to the ball game." Vi=
ew Details Fare Sales [IMAGE] Happy New Year Sale Start the new year=
off right. Save on travel across America with these great fares from $68 t=
o $198 roundtrip. View Details Winter Getaway Sale It's time for a winter=
getaway. Take advantage of fares from $68 to $258 roundtrip between select=
America West destinations. Travel restrictions apply, view terms and condi=
tions for complete details. View Details americawest.com Sale Take advant=
age of fares from $68 to $188 roundtrip to select America West destinations=
, available only at americawest.com. View Details Ticketmaster ticket=
master Weekend Surf'n Go Sports Fares February 2-5, 2002 Support you=
r favorite team on the road or attend a great cultural event out of town ne=
xt weekend with Surf'n Go Sports. These specials are for events between 2/=
2 - 2/4/02. Professional Basketball [IMAGE] Event Departure City De=
stination City Fares Los Angeles at Atlanta Los Angeles, CA Atlanta, GA $=
178 Burbank, CA Atlanta, GA $178 Ontario, CA Atlanta, GA $178 =
Orange/Santa Ana, CA Atlanta, GA $178 Long Beach, CA Atlanta, GA $17=
8 Los Angeles at Boston Los Angeles, CA Boston, MA $218 Burbank, CA=
Boston, MA $218 Ontario, CA Boston, MA $218 Orange/Santa Ana, CA=
Boston, MA $218 Long Beach, CA Boston, MA $218 Los Angeles at Dallas=
Los Angeles, CA Dallas/Ft Worth, TX $158 Ontario, CA Dallas/Ft Wort=
h, TX $158 Orange/Santa Ana, CA Dallas/Ft Worth, TX $158 Long Bea=
ch, CA Dallas/Ft Worth, TX $158 Phoenix at Golden State Phoenix, AZ San =
Francisco, CA $158 Phoenix, AZ San Jose, CA $158 Phoenix, AZ Oakl=
and, CA $158 Sacramento at Minnesota Sacramento, CA Minneapolis/St Paul,=
MN $178 Toronto at Philadelphia Toronto, ON Philadelphia, PA $158 =
Professional Hockey [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City=
Fares Boston at Columbus Boston, MA Columbus, OH $138 College=
Basketball - Men [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City Fares A=
rizona at Stanford Tucson, AZ San Francisco, CA $118 Tucson, AZ San =
Jose, CA $118 Tucson, AZ Oakland, CA $118 Arizona St. at California =
Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA $158 Phoenix, AZ San Jose, CA $158 =
Phoenix, AZ Oakland, CA $158 Colorado St. at Utah Denver, CO Salt Lake =
City, UT $138 Colorado Springs, CO Salt Lake City, UT $138 DePaul at =
UNLV Chicago, IL (ORD) Las Vegas, NV $168 Fresno St. at Rice Fresno, C=
A Houston, TX (IAH) $198 NAU at Portland St. Flagstaff, AZ Portland, OR =
$168 San Diego St. at New Mexico San Diego, CA Albuquerque, NM $98 =
College Basketball - Women [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destinati=
on City Fares Rice at Fresno St. Houston, TX (IAH) Fresno, CA $198 =
Boxing [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destination City Fares Roy Jon=
es vs. Glen Kelly Phoenix, AZ Miami, FL $178 Las Vegas, NV Miami, FL=
$178 Los Angeles, CA Miami, FL $198 San Francisco, CA Miami, FL =
$198 Professional Golf [IMAGE] Event Departure City Destinat=
ion City Fares PGA Tour: AT?Pebble Tucson, AZ San Francisco, CA $158 Bea=
ch Pro-Am Tucson, AZ San Jose, CA $158 Tucson, AZ Oakland, CA $158 =
Phoenix, AZ Monterey, CA $178 Tucson, AZ Monterey, CA $178 Ph=
oenix, AZ San Francisco, CA $158 Phoenix, AZ San Jose, CA $158 Ph=
oenix, AZ Oakland, CA $158 Las Vegas, NV San Francisco, CA $158 L=
as Vegas, NV San Jose, CA $158 Las Vegas, NV Oakland, CA $158 PGA Tou=
r: Royal Phoenix, AZ Miami, FL $178 Caribbean Classic Las Vegas, NV Mi=
ami, FL $178 Los Angeles, CA Miami, FL $198 San Francisco, CA Mia=
mi, FL $198 Cultural Events [IMAGE] Event Departure City Des=
tination City Fares Arts: La Tragedie de Toronto, ON Columbus, OH $138 C=
armen and Dance: Philadelphia, PA Columbus, OH $138 Gaelforce Dance Ne=
w York, NY (LGA) Columbus, OH $138 Boston, MA Columbus, OH $138 H=
artford, CT Columbus, OH $138 Newark, NJ Columbus, OH $138 Chicag=
o, IL Columbus, OH $118 Baltimore, MD Columbus, OH $118 Washingto=
n, DC (DCA) Columbus, OH $118 Phoenix, AZ Columbus, OH $198 Los A=
ngeles, CA Columbus, OH $198 Rodeo: San Antonio San Diego, CA San Antoni=
o, TX $158 Stock Show and Rodeo Los Angeles, CA San Antonio, TX $158 =
San Francisco, CA San Antonio, TX $158 Phoenix, AZ San Antonio, TX $=
138 Tucson, AZ San Antonio, TX $138 Rodeo: Southwestern Phoenix, AZ=
El Paso, TX $78 International Rodeo Tucson, AZ El Paso, TX $78 San=
Diego, CA El Paso, TX $98 Los Angeles, CA El Paso, TX $98 San Fr=
ancisco, CA El Paso, TX $138 Theater: Hamlet Phoenix, AZ Denver, CO $168=
Tucson, AZ Denver, CO $168 San Diego, CA Denver, CO $168 Lo=
s Angeles, CA Denver, CO $168 San Francisco, CA Denver, CO $168 Theat=
er: My Fair Lady Phoenix, AZ Colorado Springs, CO $168 Tucson, AZ Co=
lorado Springs, CO $168 San Diego, CA Colorado Springs, CO $168 L=
os Angeles, CA Colorado Springs, CO $168 San Francisco, CA Colorado Sp=
rings, CO $168 Surf'n Go Sports Terms and Conditions: Purchase Ticket By=
: Friday, 2/1/02, 9:00pm PST Travel Outbound: Saturday, 2/2/02 Travel Ret=
urn: Monday, 2/4/02 or Tuesday, 2/5/02 Travel On: Flights operated by Ame=
rica West and America West Express Purchased Through: americawest.com Tick=
et Refundability: Non- refundable Itinerary Changes: Subject to fare avail=
ability, $100 change fee, and difference in fare if applicable Minimum Stay=
: 2 nights Black Out Dates: None Routing: Roundtrip only, Routing restr=
ictions may apply Other Discounts: Not combinable with any other discount =
Seat Inventory: Limited - subject to availability Federal Excise Tax: $3=
per flight segment (defined as a take off and landing) Passenger Facility =
Charges: Up to $20 per person, depending on itinerary You have r=
eceived this message because you subscribed to the Surf'n Go messaging ser=
vice at americawest.com. To unsubscribe to this weekly mailing, please vis=
it http://www.americawest.com/specials/sp_subscribe.asp . This email was =
sent to: sscott5@enron.com =09